
Babysitting advice???

by  |  earlier

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okay so this boy i watch crys alot. for example his mom left to go get a tan today and he flipped out he is 4. He cried alot and was screaming. when he is out of control like that should i give him a hug and be extra nice or tell him he needs to calm down and if he doesnt send him to his room or somethiing?.? HELP




  1. His mother left him (in your charge poor kid), he has no concept of time and when mommy leaves children think it is something they did to make her leave and are afraid mommy is gone "forever"  If you have problems with this child missing mommy then maybe you shouldn't babysit small children.

  2. Maybe make a surprise bag. Fill it up with toys, books, and Art things you can do with him. Maybe you can play Simon says.  You should give him a nice little hug and tell him everything is ok.  Tell him you would play superman with him. Play some games with him. Have lots of fun with him. You should also be extra nice to him. Make him feel like a super hero. Or a prince. If he gets on ur nerves. Tell him to calm done. And you would give him some candy. Ask parents before giving him candy. Ask him what would make him feel better. Maybe you two can make a pictures for his mommy. He would like that.

    Hopefully I helped

  3. shove a PPJ in his a.s.s

  4. My daughter does the same thing to me when I pick her up from her grandparents.  She throws a fit.  lol  (makes me feel really good, too)  Anyhow, I try loving on her, but that never seems to work.  I give her her own space and let her express herself with no attention.  After she is done, I go and love on her, and she responds really well.  It seems like the more attention I give her for the fit, the worse it gets.  I try not to reinforce bad behaviors, while still be a loving mom.  It's hard. :)

  5. seperation anxiety.


    it will only come with age.

    but i was reading some of your other comments.

    they are really good. use those ideas to distract him.

  6. I would try what I call the distraction technique.  Start making funny faces, pretend you fall, pretend you see something cool outside, turn on the tv and start laughing about the cartoon that's on.  You need to get him mind out of that state and stop thinking about his mom.

  7. try holding him and comforting him.

    talk nice to him, and offer to play a game or something with him.

    and as i had learned in the past, don't let him see his mom leave. If he figures it out. Tell him she'll be back in a minute, don't worry. Redirect his attention somewhere. And since he is a boy, I have learned they like to get dirty.

    hope i helped.

  8. Squirt him with a water bottle! haha It works on dogs. Play a game with him. He just misses his mommy and so what you need to do is get his mind off of his mom. Like show him how cool cooking is, or show him a book, or get cards and show him a magic trick. Kids will be impressed by the simplest things.
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