
Babysitting all day.. any ideas??

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I'm babysitting again for these people next Sunday, from 12:30pm till 11 pm. So pretty much I have all day with the kids. There is a 7 year old girl, and a 2 year old boy. I have babysat for them tons before, but I just want some ideas of what to do with them all day.




  1. Kids love to make cakes, Try this and also they love making things so try this one my kids loved it:

    You'll need a cardboard box and an Argos catalogue or anything with pictures of furniture in it.

    Get the kids to pick what they want in their house and just cut them out ask them where they want their furniture and glue inside the box. you could make carpets to!

    Once its done if ou buy a bag of sweets and get some buttons you could use the buttons for plates and just generally use yogurt pots for tables (i think you get the idea)

    My kids loved it give it a try.

  2. You've got 51/2 hrs longer than usual. You need to make sure that they're exhausted , preferably earlier than usual. You want the day to be rewarding for them, but you don't want to make too much work for you. A couple of hours in the park should be enough to wear them out. I'd do that at 4.0. I t would be a good idea if you had two kites. Then if you're lucky there wont be any wind and you can get them running up and down keeping them flying :-)

    I'd do lunch and then read to them first off. That should take you up until 2.0 Then an hour of hide and seek, they hide and you do the dishes from lunch calling out now and then "you're hiding in the closet".

    That leaves an hour between 3 and 4 for 'band practice' . get out the saucepans and anything else that'll make a decent noise  and hit them rhythmicaly and encourage loud 'singing'. that'l get them primed for the park :-)

    Good luck with that.

  3. try making a day schedule.  Since you will be there starting at lunch try a picnic in the park followed by a walk and some play time.  That should take at least 30 mins to actually eat, then another 45 mins or so of walk/play time.  You would then be home around 1:30 or 2 depending on how long it took you to get there and back.  Next you could do a craft activity that would be fun for both ages, maybe some type of painting just lay down a plastic paint splash guard, they cost like one dollar at wal-mart and put on some old raggedy t-shirts on you and the kids so if they get messy it's ok.  That would take another 30-45 mins.  By this time it would be aroud 3 and you would need to have them help clean up and have a snack or something which would bring it to around 4.  You could let them have some free play time so you could relax and watch a bit. Do this for about an hour. Then maybe ask them what they like for dinner and have them help you plan it.  The 2 year old won't care much what to eat as long as it is not too spicy, kids like finger foods...if you don't want to cook order pizza or go out.  After dinner they will need bath time or some sort of clean up.  Afterwards you could play a game or something then have story time, then bed.  As long as you plan something, and make sure you spend some time on each thing it will fill up the day.  That age should be in bed around 9-9:30 so you would have the rest of time to yourself

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