
Babysitting an 8 year old who always wants to be on the computer....?

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she also has a 1 year old sister. what should i do to get the 8 yr old off the computer and doing something active? ( 1 yr old is quite active)




  1. make it sound like ur having such fun he/she will wont to come join in or simply say sorry no comuter today were going to have some fun, make cakes painting drawing hide and seek anything aslong as it is fun ...

  2. ummm... you don't. y does it matter to you? you're not her mom!!! gosh. it sounds like her mom doesn't  care, so y interfere? what is the problem with it? with the 1 yr old being active enough for the both of them, why would you want another?

  3. The first step? Unplug the computer. If she asks, say it is broken.

    The next step? Think of a fun activity you can do with her so she won't complain about being bored. Coloring, playing tag, making cookies, reading books, playing dress-up. . . whatever.

  4. why don't you ask the mother and see what the 8 yr old also liks to do. with the computer, unplug it or just make sure the kid doesn't find away to get to it. just think of it this way... you are in charge, you have the power to controll the kid from getting from the computer.

  5. You should ask the parents about the rules and times she is allowed to be on the computer.  If they would prefer her not to be on the computer you just have to tell her no computer, she might put up a fight at first, but you have to be firm and not let her do it.  If she insists then you have to unplug the computer.  I tutor and babysit a 6 year old and he is the same way with TV.  His mom doesn't want him watching it so I just take he remote from him and put it somewhere he can't get it.

  6. I'd say that first you need to be aware of the parents rules concerning the use of the computer.  It may be that they don't allow her to be on it constantly, and she is just manipulating the situation to suit her wants.

    If they allow her to use it frequently, and it still bothers you, make sure it's okay with them for you to enforce a more active lifestyle while you are babysitting.

    If it is, do just that: enforce it!!  It may be a big issue the first few times to get her off the computer, and she may see you as the 'wicked witch' for ending her favorite activity, but she WILL get over it.  Once you have her off the computer and calmed down, it's relatively simple to get them involved in something else.  Take them outside.  Go for a walk.  Have a 'treasure' hunt using some of their toys.  Play a game of tag or hide-n-go-seek.  There's a million things to do.  If she has a bike, encourage her to ride it while you walk with the little one.

    Just be sure to keep your activities fun, and you'll soon be the person she looks forward to seeing most.

  7. if you want to do something, start doing something that looks like fun, and see if she wants to join. or firmly tell her it's time to do something else for awhile. then again, if the parents arent concerned about it, just let her be.

  8. unplug the computer and say its broke.

    also unplug the cord at the monitor in case he figures out the outlet is unplugged.  he'll never think to check behind the monitor .

    make sure you tell the parents though, or connect it back before they get home...

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