
Babysitting and parents dont want the child to watch tv what to do???

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im watchin the kid from 5:30am to 3:30pm

and the parents said no tv at all

i kno to bring board games and cards and books and stuff

but it doesnt seem like enough to get through the whole day




  1. Its easy to get through a day with no TV but why not outside??? Hmm lost me on that one.  

    With an 8 year old they will have plenty of ideas of things to do.  However staying indoors is hard unless they have a huge house.  

    Keep them busy with stories (they still like to be read to at 8 or read to you).  

    Baking cookies, art projects, it really depends on the gender too.  

    Let us know how it goes!

    Blessings :)

  2. Art projects , dress up, play outside, slip and slide, go to the pool, make mini pizzas, scavenger hunt, make ice cream. TV is bad, its bad for children's developing minds and its bad for yours.

  3. it depends on his age. if there is a computer show him some games. also if they just said no tv that doesnt mean no movies.

  4. why don't you ask them what they want to do. it all depends on what age they are and if they are a boy or girl. mabye brings some toy (or use there toys) and hide them around the house and have a little scavenger hunt, those are always fun.

  5. You could make up games, bring a ds, and bring blocks or plastic cups and have them build something with that.

  6. ok, what is wrong with the parents...not letting a 8 yr old outside! WOW, STUPID!!! Well finger paint, bring stuff to make a collage, bubble paint, make playdough, or there are other things that you can make to play with....send me and e-mail if you want more

    plus think about the fact that the kid probably won't wake till around 8-9 or sometimes later! Then you have to make breakfast, then the kid has to get dressed, then you play for a little while, then you have to make lunch, then eat and clean up that mess, play for a little while, then start to clean up the toys and stuff so it's not a mess when the parents get home! With all of the "babysitting" stuff you are going to be doing (breakfast, lunch, dressing, and cleaning up toys) it's not that much down time!

    I am a preschool teacher and have a whole book full of what we call "busy" stuff for when it's raining, cold, snowing, or too hot to take the kids outside!

    Good Luck

  7. play imginary games.... kids love that kinda stuff. play poinies and princesses and all that kinda stuff. i know it sounds really stupid and childish but member the kid is a child

  8. if their is a park near then take the kid their for part of morning and maybe have a picnic... if not then go in the back yard you can never go wrong with letting a kid run around for hours! you can put on music let them dance bake with them... and I dont think 30 minutes or soo of TV will hurt if you really need that push why'll thinking of stuff to do.

  9. Wow those parents are smart. I dont know how old the child is but maybe making some craft things with glue? Cleaning drawers? Taking a bath?  Ask the parents if there is anything you could do in the kitchen like make something if the child is old enough.

  10. play cards

  11. Draw/color

    Read books

    Play outside in the sprinklers

    Walk to playground or park

    Play hide and seek

    Play board games/cards

    When you factor in bathing, breakfast and lunch, that should take you through the day. I'm sure the kids won't be up and running at 5:30am. Good luck!

  12. Can you go outside? Like to a park or playground? A beach is ideal for kids to entertain themselves and play for hours.

    If not, how about making forts?

    Arts and Crafts or just drawing with markers.

    Dance contests.

    Make cookies and decorate.

    Perform a play or show.

  13. I enjoy the fact that some of you people say play outside even though she said she can't outside with the kid.

  14. pushup contestsss

  15. MMM... can you set up the sprinkler outside or something like that?  Maybe take them to the pool???  That is hard.  Best of luck sweetie.

  16. Oh no!

    Now you have to pay attention and do your job instead of rotting your mind. That's to bad for you.

  17. Take a walk, ride bikes, play outside, that can last hours.  Like go outside and throw a ball around, make up a funny game of tag.  Play with all their toys, make a parade of cars or trains, stack blocks in different ways, build a tent inside, draw/color.  It kind of depends on the age of the kid, but it's really not that hard.

  18. put the kid to sleep then watch tv xD

  19. wat with the parent

    they must be paying u alot because ur not have fun or the child

  20. energetic stuff.

    then they'll probably sleep too! :)


    Try looking at these links..find some activities you think he/she would be interested in....and if it needs supplies you could go find cheap ones at hobby lobby or your local crafts store...good luck!

  22. how old is he? or she?

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