
Babysitting dilema!?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday i had a longg day. and i had to babysit at 7pm till 11:30. I put the kids to bed at 9:30 and i go downstairs to watch some tv. it got to be about 10:30 and i actually fell asleep on the couch. the kids were fine, they were still asleep, but i felt HORRIBLE when the parents came home to me sleeping on their couch. i apologized of course and i have been babysitting their kids for about 8 months now , they laughed it off, but i still feel bad! is their anything that i can do about this?




  1. u did nothing wrong ask them if it okasy4 u to sleep if the kids r sleeping  

  2. you shouldnt feel dud your part of taking care of the kids and its a good thing they were asleep and not doing anything they weren't supposed to be doing. so just dont worry about it.

  3. i think it's ok for the babysitter to fall asleep once the children are taken care of.if the kids had of been outside or awake it would be different.but you had the kids took care of.don't worry you did nothing wrong.

  4. Try not to worry. You did not leave the premises. You are not a security guard required to remain awake and vigilant at all times are you? Are you suggesting that it is ok for parents to go to sleep but not babysitters?

    Don't feel bad. Good for you for being so conscientious.

  5. If they laughed it off then there probably fine with it. they probably realize you were tired and if you were with them that long they obviously trust you with their kids other wise you wouldn't be babysitting them. Also you said your sorry so there's not much left to do.  Don't worry you're fine  
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