
Babysitting fees how much should i get?

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Babysitting fees how much should i get?

I am watching a 4 year old and a 1 year old

Wednesday night i had them for 2 hour made dinner and gave them baths

Thursday from 6-4 included breakfast lunch and take took them to my school for my orientation

Friday 6-4 breakfast and lunch swimming and bath

Saturday 6-4 breakfast lunch swimming

i also get them dressed work with Seth play game and all

i dont know about how much




  1. I pay by the hour not the task because some days my caretaker (nanny) has it hard (lots to do) and then some days, well, I call it spa day.  Your job is to care for the child and care includes, well, feeding, bathing, etc.  And when my child is napping, her job is to wash clothes, etc not watch TV, speak on phone and/or play on computer (etc).  

    It also depends on your age.  I pay my nanny $15 an hour, but she's a 46 year old trained nanny.  

    If you are not trained then I think $10 is a premium while $7 might be more the standard.  I am not sure.  

    Obviously, you are not happy with what you are being paid so check with "childcare" sites to see what the standard is in your area.

  2. You don't say how old you are, what certifications you have earned, at your house or theirs, the income level of the parents, is this a one-time thing or a long-term job.. This all matters IMHO.

    Also you should be monitoring what others charge. Call the ads offering babysitting and read off that list and see what they would charge. Do this for 3 or 4 other sitters and use this as your guide.

  3. I would sat $10 an hour (making dinners, giving baths, etc) is part of the job).

    Wednesday iwould be $20.

    Thursday would be $100 PLUS bringing them to school extra $10.

    Friday wuld be $100 and if she asked you to take them swimming $10. If not, she obviously doesn't have to pay.

    Saturday would be $100 and if she asked you to take them swimming $10. If not, she obviously doesn't have to pay.

    So that's about $340 for all those days!

  4. I would say at least $7 an hour, if not more.  If I bread it down in days and I was the one paying (I'm a mom, not a sitter) I would say that for Wed night, $20 because you made dinner and did baths.

    Thurs, fri and sat, probaby $210 for the three days, but you could charge $100 per day-$10 hour for 2 kids.  In total, I would say they probably owe you about $250 give or take a few dollars.

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