
Babysitting for a bad kid HELP!?

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well i have to help my friend babysit for her cousin who is a 6 year old girl but she is terrible and misbehaves a lot! i mean literally last time my friend babysat her she pooped in her pants!!

so any idea how to at least maintain her concentration on something or stop outbursts

mmk thanks!!

haley if you read this-- haha :P




  1. well, you could try to either let her watch her fav. TV show or bribe her with candy!! For me all i have to do is just tell them that if they be good or do something that i'll give them candy....or you could try playing dolls ...

  2. bring something from your house that you know she will like that way you wont have to waste time at her house trying to find something to entertain her maybe bring like a toy she can keep or some cool markers or paints if she has a back yard water is always fun for little kids let her play in the sprinkler or hose and ask her what she wants to do and try you best to let her unless its something ridiculous

  3. Let her watch the 3-D Hannah Montana thing tonight.

    All little girls love Hannah Montana right?

  4. well you have to let her know whos boss and set some ground rules that you want her to follow. she is probably testing you to see what she can get away with. you have to be stern, but not yell. you have to stay calm too because she wants you to get irritated so she can do what she wants. you have to be like okay we can do what you want for 10 more minutes but then we have to...... That way you warn her so if you are like time for bed or time for your bath out of nowhere she won't have a fit. You have to keep her happy and doing something all the time or else she will get antsy and do something bad. coloring, reading, outdoor games, board games, storytelling, and dolls are all great. You just really have to put your foot down and let her know you are in charge.

  5. Shes too young you know so its normal to p**p on your pants and spill juice on the carpet!!!!!!

  6. First and foremost I would suggest ignoring what the little pooper does and try distracting her from her, um, activties. She is probably just doing those things to get attention and as many psycologists can agree with me, little children are into the whole "Negative attention is better than no attention". So with that said, my advice is to try a coloring book or a disney movie. Also hitting her over the head with a pot would render her very very quiet for a while. However that is also considered "bad". So I would stick to the first two suggestions. :]

  7. Find something the child can be really interested in,show her how to draw something,put on animal planet..if shes still going 90-to nothin screaming n throwing fits..then tell her she hurt your feelings.

    i know it sounds weird but we have to remind kids that adults have feelings also.

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