I know this family pretty well and I babysitt all three of their kids, (plus a baby and he's easy because he takes naps.) It's hard finding stuff to do because their family is very strict on things. The kids really like baking but we can't really make anything because their dad doesn't like his kids to have sugar or anything "unhealthy." everything they buy is organic.
Movie and computers are never allowed, and so they have to rely on themselves to do fun things. They are wild and crazy, and like to do projects and stuff but I don't know very many. It's hard to keep track of all of them especially the boys, they are always running off and getting into trouble. Plus they always disagree on what to do.
So, what can I do? How can I keep them entertained and all playing together? and get around all this strict stuff that their parents lay out. The parents don't like it when we do anything messy, so it's kinda of a difficult situation... any ideas, suggestions?
thanks for any ideas!!!!!