
Babysitting how do i get them to listen?

by Guest31651  |  earlier

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im 15 and i been babysitting my 3 cousin now the oldest is good besides her attudie but the all have one the middle one idk what to do about him he just tell me he hates me and that im always mad at him its just the way he acts i cant handle it and i dont try to yell but i cant take it and he says things that hurt me like im fat and stuff like that now the youngest there things that he does he gets in trouble but other than that he is good and to top everything off im wacthing my to niceies

so i just need some advace about what to do?????




  1. I have been there lol you need to find something that all of you can do to hold there intrest let them color or paste. Take them outside and play kickball or just let them give you some ideal's. Kids get board quick and when there board they can be a handful. Maybe even turn on the radio and dance let them run down some energy. Hope these ideal's help alittle. Don't take things to heart either kids are like that it's not that they don't love you it's just you are now a authority figure to them and they are really going to try you.

  2. Well, that's a tough one. When little kids are angry and say things like that, that doesn't mean they hate you. They're just frustrated with you, that's all. If it is really becoming a problem for you, tell a trusted parent or grandparent about it.

  3. yelling makes the situation worse and dont worry about what they say because they're little kids and they don't know so all you have to do is put a show that will keep them attentive or something like that and once they get in a good enough mood from that them they should do what ever

  4. Just Me definitely right about scheduling activities - might take a bit of planning but it's the way forward if they're interested in something else except from picking on you lol. Maybe get their parents to talk to them about how they are with you and they might have some good ideas and reward systems for their kids. Good luck, I know it's hard but don't let them get you mad.

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