
Babysitting my 8 week old grandson overnight!?

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My daughter and her husband want sometime alone to go out to eat go to a movie just spending one Satureday to them selves.I suggested my grandson who is 8 weeks old to come to my house on a Satureday let him spend the night I want to show him off at church where she used to go to before getting married and having a child, then bringing him home just 1 hour away after church is that to much to offer right now or would let your child go to grandparents that little?




  1. I wouldn't let my baby spend the night away from home that young.    But, people are different.

  2. If you're up for it, I don't see why not!  They probably do need a break and your daughter is most certainly going to trust you!  You're the reason she's here!

  3. My son is almost 4 and I still go nuts if he's gone for more than a few hours and definitely not overnight!

  4. I think it's great that you would offer that to your daughter and son in law!!! I don't think it's too much as long as you are willing to get up with him through the night. I would of let my daughter spend the night at my mom's that young cause I know she was great with me she would be wonderful with my daughter! I think that if they don't have a problem with handing over their son to you for an overnighter there is a good reason for it. Just be prepared for a few phone calls through the evening asking how their preciouse son is holding up! It's an parent thing... I am sure you remember LOL.

  5. That is not too much. That is very nice of you to offer!

    It is perfectly ok for children, even babies, to spend time away from their parents.

    Im sure the parents will welcome the opportunity for some alone time.

  6. I would say that's too much. My son is 9 months and hasn't ever spent the night away from me. But he is breastfed and wont' take a bottle, so that has a lot to do with it. But ultimately, it's up to your daughter, her husband, and you to decide.

  7. It would be too much for me. A few hours would be ok, but I'd never sleep at night if my infant wasn't in the house with me.

  8. If its too long for them to be away from him let them go out and then sleep at your house. thatway they can see the baby and you can still take him to church. they will get to sleep in for the first time in 2 months! I would have loved that. just tell then Sunday morning, in bed til noon. that oughtta do it!

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