
Babysitting my ex-fiance's it wierd?

by  |  earlier

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My ex fiance and I ended our relationship in April when he told me I had to choose between moving 200 miles away and being with him or staying at home like I wanted to and going to college and I chose college. During the time when we were together I got very attached to his daughter, my future step-daughter. She was 8 months when I met her and I helped in raising her until she was 18 months. When my fiance and I ended our relationship I became good friends with his ex wife and the mother of his child. Well, today she has to work and I told her I would be more than happy to watch their daughter and her new son from her present relationship. I don't think this is strange but maybe it's just because I miss my ex's daughter so....much! Any opinions? Thanks




  1. I don't think it's strange as you are friends but don't worry too much about what other people think and do what you want  

  2. No  I think it's good that you are staying in the childs life.

  3. No,  if you are friends with the mother now, its fine.  Just be careful not to get too attached....  she was almost your step daughter but she won't be now.  Don't let yourself get hurt!

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