
Babysitting my nephew tomorrow

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i babysit my nephew everyday while my sister and her husband is at work for months he is 5 months old now and i though maybe he would not be so fussy now that he is getting bigger but no luck, i think this is because my sister and her husband spoils him to much for example they walk him around the house until he falls asleep instead of rocking him for a little bit then but him in his crib so he can learn how to fall asleep by himself and other things but i am not able to walk him around the house for hours until he falls asleep because i am pregnant myself with twins so my legs hurt to bad to walk that long but its the only way to get him to sleep i tryed to lay him down in his crib when he is about to fall asleep but he screams as loud as he can and throus himself around and rolls over and put his feet through the bars of his crib and make himself in a very uncomfterble and screams louder this went on for an hour before he fell asleep is there any other way to get him to sleep without walking him around the house or letting him scream in his crib till he falls asleep?




  1. my nephew used to do the same thing so i feel your pain. (not literally since i've never been pregnant) What worked for me is i would just close the door to his room and wait for him to cry himself out. i know it sounds horrible but most babies cry like this to keep themselves awake. eventually he will fall asleep.  if you really cant handle it tell your sister that you cant watch him because its too difficult.

  2. instead of tryin to find a way to get him to sleep or be quiet. try something he likes. It is hard for a baby to be seperated from the parents at this age as well.

  3. I agree that walking a child around the house for hours until he falls asleep is moronic, but they are going to parent their child as they like.  If you can't physically do it, then I would suggest you tell your sister that you can't handle it.  It's not fair for the baby to scream and cry because the parents have created a bad habit.

  4. First, congrats on your TWINS!

    Secondly, this is a really tough situation because even if you were to let him cry it out ( not saying I am an advocate for it or that it's what you should do), it wouldn't help you because it's not conistent with what they are doing.

    I think you need to talk to them about this and tell them that you simply can't continue to carry him when you are carrying twins and are already exhausted. I am sure that they love leaving him with you and would be willing to hear you out.

    I hope this helps! Good luck with your little ones!

  5. I think it is time to tell your sister you can't watch your nephew anymore until your babies are born. You need to think of your babies health and yours first. if you don't stay healthy your babies can't either. if she asks why tell her the truth. You can't carry him around like she does while he falls asleep. If she is willing to teach him to fall asleep in his crib it would be good for all of you and then maybe you could keep sitting for them

    good luck with the twins.

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