
Babysitting problem help me??//???

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So i'm babysiting a 10 year old tomorrow any ideas what we can do?




  1. Take some Board Games.

    Um arts and crafts things like erm. Crayons and like making paper hats and thing.

    Making jewery with colourful beads.

    Kids love it :))

    take care.

  2. You should know a little about the child. I remember my mom hired a babysitter for me and she wanted to make bracelets. And I hated girly things like that. -.- However, I think most kids like board games.

  3. Just keep him/her occupied, like play on a games console together, board games etc.

  4. The parents can tell you what the kid enjoys, and also if they have any requirements (like limiting TV, etc.) If they do have requirements, follow them, because a 10 year old will tell if you didn't.

    Mostly, a kid that age will tell you what they like to do and will come up with ideas themselves. If they don't, board games, messy cooking, dancing/goofing around, and artwork would be my suggestions.

  5. Just go with the flow :) thats what i do. Just see whats on TV, maybe go outside. And how old are you that might help determine what else to do :)

  6. if you leave the house, go see a movie.

    If ur staying at home, play video-games, watch a movie,

    ask him what he wants to do

  7. Board games and video games is one way to go.

    You could always be brave and cook something together.

    Is it a boy or a girl?

    Would your girl be too old for dress-up?

    Or would or boy be too old for make believe play?

    You might find he/she has a list of things they want to do with you. Let them take the lead, and ask them straight out what they would like to do.

    Good luck.


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