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Me and my friends (5 of us, all female) are all 13 at the moment. When we begin babysiting me and my sister will be 14. We all have very good school records and we're going to be taking first aid trainning. What do you think a decent price would be (per hour) and a name too. Thanks for all your help.




  1. about $10 per hour depending on how you are going to babysit the child a night

  2. Price depends where you it's between $3 and $5 for teenagers.  (Or a flat rate.) (It kinda depends on how well off the parents are I think..or if it's full time, over night, just for a few hours, etc.)   But from what I've seen on yahoo answers other places charge a lot more...personally, I wouldn't bother going out if I had to pay a babysitter ten bucks and hour! Minimum wage is only like $7 around here I think..then add in gas at $4 a gallon and everything else..that would be it really depends on who you're working for..if the people you babysit for don't know each could even charge different rates for different people...and of course what is demanded of etc., and how many kids/how well behaved the kids are etc. have a lot to do with it...

    Another idea that businesses use is "tiered pricing"  For instance, one price for one kid and only basic cleaning, another for 2-4 kids, with basic cleaning, extra for extra household duties, more or less depending on whether the kids are sleeping, stuff like that. Not a complicated scale, but something like that maybe you guys could think of.  (I'd always pay my sitters extra for cleaning...and they were always anxious to make extra money.)  

    It really depends on the area you live though. I'd definitely do some research, ask other kids what they charge, and the BEST thing you could do is just ask parents, before you babysit for them, just do a survey or something, on how much they are willing to pay..

    With parents, it basically comes down to "who do the kids like the most"

    Then there's opportunities to go with a family to a vacation, party, wedding or whatever and watch the kids while the parents are there..that would require a different price, but usually the parents have in mind what they want to pay or what they can afford to pay.

    A name? hmmm that 's a good question.  SuperTroopers..umm....too corny..  Hmm depends if you want a name to appeal to the kids adults, or maybe both..don't want it too childish cause you don't want the older kids to feel "babyish" and not too serious, cause you want to appeal to both parents and kids..I'd have to think about that..not enough coffee...

    I love what you're doing though! Good luck to you!

  3. i pay 50 dollars each kid for an hour.

    since i have 3 kids lets see the baby sitter would be making... $150.00 in just an hour

  4. you have to be 18 to look after somoes elses child
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