
Babysitting rates for 24 hours, including overnight?

by  |  earlier

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I will be babysitting for two children, ages 8 and 11, from 12pm Thursday to about the same time on the Friday. So approximately 24 straight hours. The family pays me ten dollars per hour during the day, and I have said that I'm going to charge a bit extra for overnight hours.

24 x $10 is 240 - so we are looking at a figure somewhere around there.

How much more is reasonable to charge?




  1. I do overnight babysitting and I charge $100. If you think about it, they go to bed and you don't have to do anything for the most of it. So really, its only like from 12 P.M. to 10 P.M then they go to sleep and then they will most likely sleep in late now that it is summer, and then you don't have to do much. You really shouldn't charge that much

  2. Be sure to ask for a large pizza and a soda 6-pack. Maybe some new DVD's.

  3. Wow! Thats enough. I'm suprised you even get $10/hr. I used to get $2/hr for 9 hours a day with two kids ages 3 & 8.

  4. If I was the one babysitting, I would charge the regular amount from say, 12-10 the first night, and then 8-12 the next day.  Since you arent really working during the night.  You do need to get payed to stay overnight but I would cut those hours in half.  5 an hour from 10 Thursday to 8 Friday.

    I just wouldnt feel right charging them more while I was sleeping than when you are actully working.

    so that would make what?  190 total?

  5. Honestly I would say charging even $10 per hour for the time you are sleeping is a bit excessive and greedy. If I were hiring someone to watch my two children, especially at 8 and 11 (when they can almost take care of themselves), I wouldn't be willing to pay more than $100 for 24 hours... If you think you can get away with it, you can ask for $150, but I really don't think they're going to give you $240, or if they do they're never going to ask you to do this again, so it depends on what you want more-- continuing business or a one big payout kinda deal.

  6. I usually cut down on my rate when I'm babysitting into the night, since the kids are sleeping. But Igues if your going to up it, I would charge them 275.

  7. I personally think that  $240 is too much for one day. YOu have to figure that the children will be sleeping half the time and an 8 and 11 year old are pretty self sufficient. I would say $200 max for the whole time.

    But like I said, that is just my opinion. If they are willing to pay you that much that is up to them.

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