
Babysitting this baby is NOT working out!!?? Help!?

by Guest58337  |  earlier

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I recently decided to start babysitting to help with our finances. My husband is in the Navy and we have a 2 1/2 yr old and a 1 yr old. I agreed to baby sit for this single mom bcuz she said she would have to send her baby across the country to her parents. We scheduled an appt for her to see my house, she never showed. In fact I didn't hear from her in a month and then I get a call out of the blue sayin she was bringin him the next day. I was shocked but said ok trying to b helpful. She came dropped him off, barely even walked in my house and almost didn't tell me his name! She left him in a onesie no blanket and said i would b watching him overnight. Originally she had said it would only b 3 days i watched him. Well since then its been problems. It took her two weeks of me bugging to get her schedule and she would act annoyed when she just showed up to drop him off like I was supposed to just know and drop everything i was doing. Then she asked me to watch him making it seem as




  1. don't be a doormat anymore. people can only treat you the way you allow them to treat you. you don't sound like you deserve this.

  2. Why are you letting her treat you like this?  Set some boundaries and make sure she understands them or tell her she will need to find a new sitter.  She's taking advantage of you and you are letting her.  If you fear for this child, then, yes, call child protective services.  Unfortunately, this poor kid is cursed with a bad mother.

  3. Tell her that you cannot watch him anymore. It's great that you want to be nice and helpful but she's taking advantage of that and not treating you very nicely in the process.

    The poor kid may be better off with her parents anyway.

  4. Wow, all I have to say is stop watching him.  She does not respect you at all.  It doesn't seem like she cares too much about her child either.  I also do childcare and would not deal with that.  It's hard for me to let a parent know I can no longer watch there child.  Please just let her know at this time you can no longer care for him.

  5. The next time she comes and picks him up, tell her she needs to find another sitter, you can no longer watch her child.  Tell her she has a week to find someone else, tell her on a Monday.  Be polite, but firm.  Who cares what she says about you?  It doesn't matter.  Remind her by asking her if she's found someone Wednesday night, then Thursday night and then Friday night.  Be slightly aloof when talking about the subject.  You want her to find good care for her son, but it is NOT your problem.  If she starts yelling, ask her to please calm down, you don't want to not finish your week with little Johnny.  Tell her, you want to end on a good note with her and finish out your week.  On Friday, have a "special" day with the little boy and say good-bye cheerfully.  But do not let her break you down.

  6. stop watching him, are you serious, why are you watching this chiild overnight? either this mother is paying you tons of money or well i guess there is not other reason, so tell her you cannot watch him anymore. this is not good for your children.

  7. it sounds to me that she isn't a great mom, not to be mean or anything. This is a big job, but, I think that the kid would have a better home if you adopted him.

  8. Just tell her simply it's not working out and only give her a days notice. She has given you nor respect and gave you about the same amount of notice that she was bringing child and overnight no less?

    It's one thing to be Christian and try to help people out, but when they do nothing to help themselves welll.....

    God helps those who help themselves and in the is womens case...Honestly I don't know of a nice analogy but bluntly she is taking advantage (to say the least)

    If you I might also contact family services because it really doesn't seem that she takes her child's needs/best interest into consideration. Just dropping him off, all the other things you mentioned going out clubbin (not that there is anything wrong with going out...but come on moderation and your child comes don't just drop them off somewhere so you can)

    She sounds very immature and like she has her hands full (too full) maybe sending the child to her parents across state wouldn't be the worst thing for this child.

  9. doesn't sound worth the aggravation, tell her to shove it... or be polite and just say it's more than you can handle right now

  10. I would let her know if that she needs to give you her schedule and let you know ahead of time a schedule of when you will be watching the baby if not then you tell her that you can't watch him on her demand unless its an emergency..You need to care for yourself and your children first before you can think about taking care of someone elses children especially if there mother is not cooperating

  11. you have to stand up to this lady...

    Her child is her responsibility not yours..

    I know the confrontation will be tough, but you only have to do it once, and then you can put all this cr_p behind you..

  12. Tell her that you are not going to watch her kid if there is no schedule and the mom is not grateful. Don't waste your time. Try to make money some other way.

  13. Sounds like she is into her own life and just wanting to drop the kid off someplace so she can go about her business.I don't think that talking to her would do any good.maybe you should not babysit the kid any longer.But also I wonder would she just leave him any place.That also saddens me.She doesn't even seemed concerned about his well being.Maybe you should do it out of a favor for the kid.Thats what I would do but people are different.

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