
Babysitting trial?

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I start my first time babysitting tomorrow. His parents want to try me out. Any idea how to make a great first time impresion?

I have him from quater to 2 till 3:30.





  1. Act yourself. Dont try to be better than you are. Thats the only way it will work. If you show him better than you are and then he finds out your not that good he'll take you as a lier and you'll never get hired. Have fun babysitting...its an awesome privalige

  2. Just do the job you were hired to do, don't talk on the phone, don't play on the computer, spend your time with the child.

  3. Be sweet with the children.let them play games,go outside let them get some exercise for an hour give them tastey healthy snacks! let them have a nap if they have to then read them a story! Good luck!

  4. Talk to him like a person. Ask questions and respond honestly. If he feels like you have genuine interest in him and want to be with him. He'll be much more coapertive and likely tell his parents he wants you again. However: you are not his friend, your his babysitter.

  5. Just be yourself. Don't try to be overly perfect, just be attentive to him, play with him, make sure all hazardous things are out of reach and that you keep your eye on him. Don't play rough in case he gets hurt. Also, a good thing to leave a good impression would be to show up and say to the parents "Before I start my trial run, I would like to know if there are any things I need to be aware of such as foods he can't have, special things he likes to do, things that you don't allow him to do/watch, etc." They will find that very honorable and mature of you. Good luck!


    use this sheet or one like it and bring little things to if they are old enough have tehm color

    play with him and pay attention
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