
Babysitting trouble please help?

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so i babysit for two little boys that never shut up and i have to give them baths and cook for them and clean up after them but thats not the worst part so last time i babysat the parents were running late so the grandma came to pick me up and i never got payed and they finally asked me to babysit again and the mom says that she feels uncomfortable paying me 7 dollars and thinks it is to much so she offered 5 dollars and then on top of that she never mentioned paying me for the 5 hours last time. what do i do??? i have to babysit today at 6 so helpp




  1. If you want $7 an hour tell her that if she wants to pay you $5 an hour she might be better off calling the girl who only charges $5 an hour.  You are the one setting the prices for your services not the people you work for.  However, I suggest that you ask around and find out how much other babysitters charge you MAY be over charging and that will lead to not getting any jobs at all.

  2. Well if you really want the job go with 5 dollars, but you need to mention to her about the last time you babysit for her. And tell her, but be nice about it and ask for $7 for the last time since she just changed the rule

  3. You need to talk to the mom. Just calmly tell her that you would like to talk about a few things. Say that you love babysitting her sons, but wasn't paid last week. I am sure that she will apologize and pay you. Talk about your pay. Maybe negotiate for $6 an hour.

    If you feel that the boys are too much to handle, you may want to think about taking a different babysitting job. Tell the mom that you will baby sit them until September, but she will need to find a different sitter.

    The best bet is to communicate well. If the mom doesn't know how you are feeling, she can't fix it. Talk to her, stay calm, and be honest.

    Good luck! You will be great!

  4. Tell the mom that you were not paid the last time you babysat for them.  Maybe it slipped her mind.  Then remind her nicely that you take care of her boys and even cook for them, so $5 won't suffice. Try to talk to the mom nicely.  Negotiate. If she still decides to pay you only $5, then tell her you cannot babysit for them again because you are not given what is due you.

  5. tell her  to pay you what she owes you and stand firm about the $7. that's basically minimum wage. if she says no and they are running late leaving , walk out. you  will find something else like the others said.

  6. tell them you need the money from the last job and that u will need the 7 dollars NOT 5 okay THEY need YOU you can get anouther job easyer then they can get a new babysitter

  7. Tell her you charge $7 and if she doesnt want to pay it then she'll have to find someone else. Shes walking all over you. Also tell her you need to be paid for the work you already did before you'll work for her again. Speak up or she's going to keep doing this.

    And I hope thats $7 PER HOUR. If so then she's still getting a great deal, nowadays most charge at least $10 per hour per kid.

  8. Tell her first you want the 7 dollars for last time you babysat and then try to negotiate the money. The average babysitter get 6 dollars an hour so tell her thats your final offer. If she doesn't agree then quit.

  9. You need to be clear, if the payment to you is not enough tell the parents, but also before babysitting again you need to let them know you did not get paid for the last time baby sitting and if they do not pay you today or make arrgments to pay you soon  then you need to quit....if you're too worried abou losing your job mention it to them and if nothing happens then get over it. Either make things clear to them or chiken out, that's how the real world works.

  10. There are so many people out there that need babysitters (me being one of them)--if I were you I would find other people to babysit for.  From what you stated, it does not seem like there are any good reasons to continue to babysit

    #1--It sounds like you don't enjoy the kids from your statement (they never shut up)

    #2-You have a lot of responsbilities (bath, cook, clean)

    #3-The parents are changing the terms of payment to a lower rate

    #4-The parents were late picking up and never paid you

    In relation to the money in the future I would discuss the pay before you babysit.  If this person agreed to pay you $7 then that is what she should pay--she can't change the terms after the fact especially for a lower rate!  

    Good Luck!


  11. I dont know what to tell you about the money situation but a way to keep the boys ouctibied is to let them make menus for their lunch and let them make crafts. It always works when i babysit.

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