
Babysitting troubles?

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I babysit for a couple that has two boys, 3 and 7. They drove me up the wall the first time I babysat for them! I called my mom so many times it wasn't even funny! Their mom said that they could both sleep in the older one's room, but an hour and a half after they were supposed to be in bed, I went up to the room and found them talking, laughing and playing with their LeapFrog Leapster! Under the guidance of my mom to be more firm, I carried the three yo to his own room, and layed him down in his bed. (a firetruck PlaySkool bed frame) He threw the blanket off of him and crawled between the 'windshield' and the wall and cried, whimpered and wailed. I continued to pick him up and put him on the mattress but he was just as consistent! Ten minutes later, he grew tired and I threatened to call his mom. He stopped, got in the bed, but cried until he was too tired to anymore. I am babysitting the same kids in two hours, WHAT DO I DO?! Will they hate me? Will this happen again?




  1. when you go in today, I would let them know if they act up the first thing you will do is call their parents, and you may have to do that too.  Kids will try to test their boundaries at any even opportunity.

  2. before the parents leave.. make sure the children are present and ask them what they suggest during bedtimes if they dont wont to mind u...then the kids will know they cant say "my mom always lets me do ____(u know darn well there not allowed to!) i would bribe them too.. and its also very important when u deal with kids that say no... dont give them questions that they can respond no too.. ex are u ready to take a! as opposed to do u wanna play with ur bath foam or crayons while ur in the tub.... or ok ready for bed!!  Pick a book out that u want me to read you before u go to sleep etc.. good luck!

  3. Stay calm and don't let them see you're frustrated....if they want to play in their room put them to bed about 30mins before they're supposed to be asleep...let them play for 30mins and give them time warnings....15mins...5mins...etc....then take the toys away and turn off the lights and maybe stand outside the door if you hear talking/giggling etc. go in there and warn them...maybe discuss what the parents normally do for discipline so it's consistent

  4. I really pity you!! I know exactly what you are going through!! I babysit for 2 different couples. One has 4 boys (now aged 5,7,8 and 11, i have babysat them since they were 2,3,5 and 7) and the other couple have a 4yr old girl and a boy who is almost 2 (i started minding them when the boy was born)

    If you are a push over, they will treat you that and ignore you! I never forced anything and i wont lie, i am walked on a bit because i would hate to think they dont like me! Keep trying to keep them on your side! I have a nintendo ds and i brought that with me one time and said to jordan i'll let you play this if you go to bed when i tell you and he did (it was great, i always bring it now and he goes off no trouble!!) I also occasionally bring sweets, it keeps you in the good books!

    A tv in the bedroom was a blessing, I would say what movie will we watch? (asleep in 10 mins!!!) Or else i would say I'll race ya to your bedroom, you dont want to be beaten by a girl do ya?? (i've rarely seen boys run so fast!!)

    Finally good luck!! I hope the situation improves!!

  5. ive been in your shoes. DOnt let the boys go on crying. It was good you took the little one out but when he started to cry you should have said okay i'll let you go back but ONLY if you sleep and no more talking because then I will be forced to give a bad report to your parents. That would usally work for me. Just stay calm about it and dont be too strict but be forceful

  6. My biggest suggestion is to tire them out as much as possible.  Take them outside to play, if you can.  Then let them get a bath.....a bubble bath is more fun.  After bath-time have quiet time.  Put in a movie for them to watch, read to them, or even sing to them, but they have to be Quiet.  Then tuck them into bed, with a hug and either a story or a song.  

    If you tire them out enough they should go to sleep kinda easily and if they have fun doing it, they'll be better for you next time.
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