
Babystitting help???

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Ok, I need as many (nice and helpful) answers as possible in the next half hour. Today I am going to go babysit my dad's boss' 8 year old boy. This is my first time babysitting. I don't know anything about him or what he likes to do. Can you please give me as many tips as possible on babysitting. I'm 13 years old and this is my first time ever babysitting. Thank you!




  1. It's not really that hard, He's 8 so you don't have to bother with diaper changing or naps or anything like that.

    Just pay attention to what his boss says he can't do and ask the child what he likes to do, play with him, go out side (if it's warm enough) Just do what ever he likes to do and he'll stay happy!

  2. arts and crafts, movies! movies always hush them haha

  3. just ask him what he likes to do and go from there nothing to be nervous about just play with him and get to know him

  4. Well go in being open to get to know him and do (within reason and rules of course) what he wants to. If he tries ushing his limits with you and breaking rules be firm.  Have lots of fun with him. Ask him what he wants to do: watch a movie, play a game, play outside etc.

    Remember if neccessary it is ok to call his parents if anything goes wrong or gets out of hand. Hope all goes well!

  5. Well, it depends on the kid, really. All kids are different, some are more quite and may just enjoy some alone time reading or drawing. Or maybe they're extremely hyper-active and enjoy human interaction. Ask your dad's boss for some tips.

    I'd suggest you bring lots of movies (ask what genre the 8-year-old boy might enjoy) think of some fun, interactive games and activities.

    It's important that you interact with the kid, don't just plop him in front of a telly and do whatever you want to.

    And don't let the kid be in charge, don't let him boss you around. Don't be a total autocratic babysitter though, because the kid won't like that. Treat him as an equal, but you're still in charge. Don't be nervous either, because the kid might sense that.

    Good luck!

  6. Ok first just when you get there or wherever you're going just get to know him! Figure out what he likes to do his favorite food favorite t.v. show you know the basics. Then just play a game or something he wants to do!

    I am going to get my babysitting license in the summer,so I can get some money!

    If something happens call 911 right away!

    When you call 911 don't go away from the hurt kid stay with him.

    Remember it's not you're fault the kid got hurt so don''t blame yourself for it!

    Now to some happy tips!

    Stay with him just you play with him,don't leave to talk on you're cell phone or text (if you have one!)

    Just get to know him!

    I already said that I know,but interact with him!

    Believe in yourself and feel confident!

    You can do this!

    I'm sure your dad's boss will tell you you know what to do,what not to do!

    Remember always keep the doors locked and at night close the curtains or blinds!

    Have your cell phone or their home phone with you,in case anything happens!

    Well I hope I helped!

    Have fun babysitting!


  7. just try and be nice with him. Do the activities that he wants to do unless its too dangerous and yea smile alot but not too much... it helps them feel more comfortable some how..

  8. i have an eight year old sister and one of my babysitting jobs is for an eight year old

    and they love to play so if you think you have any cool toys or crafts you wanna bring to keep them occupied they would love it

    and just play with him because he doesnt wanna have to play alone. Also come with ideas for your night because doing nothing and not having fun is kind of awkward

  9. ask the boy what kind of things he likes to do...if its nice outside go out. since hes 8 he shouldnt be to much of a problem. if he starts to get in a bad attitude id puthim in a time out

    good luck!

  10. Just keep him company.  Join in on whatever he's doing, whether it be watching tv or playing a game or reading a book.  Don't worry about disciplining him or being too strict.  Just make sure the rules are followed and you are the responsible young woman his father (and yours) trust you to be.

    Have fun!

  11. well when you get there you could ask his father what he likes to play. And maybe you can bring over something to make such as cookies you could do it together that would give you time to get to know things about him, and have a good time. Then after you could watch a movie than play a game hope this helps.

  12. If you are nice and be his friend it will probably go well. I would suggest bringing along some activities like movies, coloring, board games etc. If you have something with you that he hasn't played with before, chances are that he will want to play with it and therefore he will play nicely. I wouldn't suggest trying to use too much discipline since he is 8, but if he does get out of hand, I suggest telling him " this is your warning, if you do ______ again, you will have a ___ minute time out." it will generally work and if he does do it again, you have to give him the punishment, no matter how much you don't want to. Sometimes bringing something you can bribe him with can help such as m&m's or some sort of small treat. If he is being a real brat then you can say " If you can behave by not doing __________ and if you can do ____________, for the next 30 minutes, then you may have some more INSERT BRIBE HERE." I really hope this helps, and wish you the best of luck.

  13. watch movies with him like The Lion King and then get him somthing to eat and then do somthing with him

  14. crafts are always can pretty much figure out what he likes when he walks in the door.just have fun with it.i doubt he is a little brat like in all the movies and tv shows.i hope you have fun babysitting and have fun!

  15. be nice but stern to him.

    dont yell or threaten cuz it wont help.

    just tell him to be a good listener and give him a treat after...

    not before AFTER he is done and is listening.
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