
Bach flower rescue remedies, are they addictive?

by Guest45270  |  earlier

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Hello Everyone! I recently started to take some night time bach flower rescue remedies drops to help switch off my repetitive thoughts, these have worked very well and I wake up in a nicer frame of mind too...but I am taking them everyday, are they harmful?




  1. I tend to agree with Electron's answer. I have taken Rescue Remedy and never felt any change whatsoever, either positive or negative. I have also been to "professionals" who suggested specific assortments of the individual remedies. Again, I felt absolutely nothing.

    That is my individual story. If you find the Rescue Remedy effective, then by all means give it a try. What works for one person may not work for someone else. I doubt very much they can be addictive.

    Good luck.  

  2. No, they are not addictive. If they are working for you, then carry on with them, and ignore what the antis say. It's your body. :)

  3. No they're not

  4. they're not addictive!

  5. They're not addictive. They're a placebo. They've been scientifically proven to have no physiological effect whatsoever. However they can have positive psychological effects so if taking them makes you feel better then go for it.

    They're infused in a tiny amount of brandy so if you drank about 200 bottles of Bach remedy every day you might develop alcoholism after a long time. Not likely though, is it! It'd cost you a bloody fortune.

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