
Back To School Binder Dilemma?

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Im 15 years old and have been going to high school for 2 years and am now entering tenth grade.

Over the past two years, I have used 8 separate binders for each and every course because I found it organized, efficient and light.

For grade eight I used flexy binders, for my second I used simple hard ones, this year I want to try something a little different.

I am an organization freak, and I hate having one big binder or two big binders for all eight of my classes, because I feel it gets to cluttered in one big one, and I am good at keeping individual ones organized.

I have cut myself down to the following 3 options:

8 Storex 1" DuraTech Plastic Frosted Binders (Never tried)

8 Hard Binders (Tried in Grade 9, but this time better quality and with pockets)

4 Hard Zwipe binders 1 and a half inch. (I'd split two classes into 1 binder)

So, which option? Any suggestions?




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