
Back To School ( any edvice ? )?

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im going back to school ( 7th grade ) and i wanna appear idk better. like i wanna look preitter, be smarter, more organized- ect.

any tips?

i already cleaned my room ( and organized it into stations )

i'm brushing my hair 3 times a day and using anti plauqe rinse and mouthwash.




  1. someones growing up!

    ehh i'd say...just look ok with glasses! then umm..idk

  2. thats good but you should practice your stuff you did already like your multiplycation  and you spelling also english so you don't forget and try to do the things you haven't learned so you can be succesful in life like be a doctor or something you will get more knowledge trust me im going to sixth grade and i got all a's

  3. i think thats a good attitude to start the  year off.... i think my tips would be to use whitening strips everyday....get new clothes that are stylish... maybe try wearing makeup if havent already....and for the organized thing just get new supplies and make everything really organized and stuff... youll get used to it. =]

  4. Ha 7th grade!

    Im in 11th.

    well you need to know how to spell correctly.

    edvice is the wrong way of spelling advice.

    And.. you shouldnt have to change. Be who you are.

    Not who everyone else wants you to be.

    If your doing this on your own...

    i guess it would be easier if you had a picture...  

  5. School:

    Get a planner, it will help you stay organized.


    Wax or pluck your eyebrows.

    Lay out the last few days of summer to get a tan.

    Wear something the first day that you feel comfortable and confident in.  

  6. my edvice to you is..... learn how to spell advice

  7. learn to spell advice

  8. i would by clothes that are in style but not to expensive and something that you would be comfortable wearing. to be smarter just study harder and pay attention more. and for organize get a binder and have dividers in it. i would also get the binder that has the two pocket one. also if you want to you could buy a straightner to smooth your hair and flaten it. it will give it a better look. but don't brush your hair to many times a day or it with start to look rough and dry. good luck.

  9.    1. Stay organized! These are probably one of the most important ways to help succeed. If your school provides an agenda book of some kind use it! Keep it interesting, perhaps by color coding subjects, or writing down interesting song titles, or decorating it with pictures of things you enjoy or think are funny. Good looking actors and actresses are a good choice, also humorous or inspirational quotes work as well. If your school does not give you some kind of planner, buy one! They are not very expensive. You can buy a nice planner at your neighborhood Rite Aid or Wall Mart for an affordable price of $12.00 maximum. Make sure you write down homework assignments, test dates, extracurricular commitments, project due dates, etc. Being aware of your schedule can really help you manage your time.

       2. Manage your time wisely. Prioritize your work for the day. For example, if you have a test coming up in two weeks, but you have some homework due tomorrow, work on the homework due tomorrow first, studying for that test following. Make sure you finish the work that needs to get done finished, leaving it till 10:30 at night or the next morning can leave things chaotic. Going along with that, never procrastinate! Leaving studying for a big test to the night before is not very smart, and cramming never works, either. Instead, have 10-15 minute study sessions every day leading up to the test. That way, you will reduce stress, and remain prepared. Studies show that sometimes reviewing for a test before bed helps you remember the material better.

       3. Keep it neat! This means keeping your locker(s), desk area, binders, everything neat and tidy. Make sure you have tabs for different subjects or sections, just cramming papers without any obvious order are a recipe for disaster. For note taking, it is good to either have some kind of 3-ring notebook for each core class. If taking notes on loose-leaf paper is easier, that's fine - but make sure you keep track of your notes. If this means having a folder for them, or a section in your binder just for those notes, do it! Notes can help you study for a test, review for the heck of it, or even help you understand the homework.

       4. Be successful in the classroom. This means many things. Coming to class every day. Being prepared is probably the most important aspect of success. Being prepared means having your homework completed, having the necessary supplies, etc. Also, it is important to know how to adapt to different teachers. All teachers are different. Thus, some are strict, and to gain their trust you must follow and respect their guidelines, failing to do some could get you in trouble. Another example, a teacher who is more prone to joke around a little in class-- remember never take advantage of their humor. Know when to be serious and to laugh a little. Learning through laughter can sometime help you remember the material better, but if you find yourself laughing more than you are learning, try asking more questions, or requesting after-school time with the teacher when distracting classmates can't turn the conversation from educational to giggly. Also, be aware of your body language. Usually teachers can tell when you are bored, or tired, or uninterested. If you completely understand the material, and are feeling bored, try and contribute the conversation - if there is one. If not, perhaps ask a question that will further your understanding of the material. Ask "Why?" something is the way it is. Doing so will eliminate the boredom, and give you reason to learn and understand.

       5. Take good notes. Learn to recognize important information. For example, usually if the teacher has taken the time to repeat something, or write it on the board, chances are it will be important later, perhaps on a test of some kind. However, do not write down everything the teacher says. It is a common misconception that doing so is the best strategy. First, trying to write as fast as your teacher speaks would be very difficult, and cause your hand to be sore from writing. Two, not everything your teacher says is that important. For example, if they are telling you are story that applies to whatever you are learning, UNLESS they tell you to write it down, don't. Copying down everything they say is time consuming and pointless. Finally, if you were absent, make sure to get notes from a fellow classmate, or have the teacher explain the material to you some time after or before school or class.

  10. its only grade 7 your still a kid just be yourself, if your young and you try to act/ dress older people will just be annoyed so  just be yourself  

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