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I am excited to go back to school, to hang with my besties everyday. But, I am scared as well. I have two people who pick on me, and ignoring them doesn't work and telling teachers/parents doesn't work. Nothing will make them stop and its really bugging me. They spread things so now a majority of my soon-to-be 8th grade class hates me, and I get picked last in gym and I am not a bad player at all! Luckily, I do have BFF's to stand by me. It's just unfair how new kids who come to the school end up hating me because they find out about these rumours. Its not fair! What Should I Do???




  1. You should do nothing. Just continue ignoring them because what goes around comes back around.  

  2. Sounds like the majority of the people in your school are really dumb as they can't think for themselves. I wonder how those people pass.

    Concentrate on the good friends you have. Create/maintain the bubble.

    I was always the last one picked too, and was a decent athlete. This kind of stuff bothered me for years. Then after you become successful and you see them washing laundry at the local motel, you feel a lot better because you see how pathetic they are and have always been.

    No one should have to deal with that c**p, just live in your own positive bubble, besides it's probably your last year in that school ( I know.., it's easy to say...)  

  3. I know exactly how you feel. I have one friend in school plus my twin sister. We're huge nerds and not athletic at all(always picked last, accept unlike you, its for a good reason XD), plus we tend to have a superiority complex, which makes most people not like us >__>'' We're really lucky to have that one friend who'll stick by us no matter what. I'm sure you feel the same way about your best friends, right? :D

    My first instinct is to tell you that you should just ignore it and enjoy yourself. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for everyone. My sister and I are teased a lot in my school, and we handle it in a number of ways:

    1. We ignore them

    2. My sister and I are fairly smart, and most of the people that mess with us...not so much XD so we just use big workds until they go away ^_^;;

    3. We scare people easily. There's something about being scolded/glared by your peers that will make bullies shut the h**l up. Especially if you can get your besties to back you up!

    I hope it helps, and if not, just keep in mind that everything that happens in school now will seem trivial when you're older. Every embarassing moment will be forgotten by you and your peers and if someone does decide to be mean and bring it up later in life then they're jus a looser for remembering it XD

    ~The Otaku Twins~

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