
Back for a day....?

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Just came to stop by and say hi because I was bored out of my mind. Hey everyone.

I'd also like to wish everyone a premature Happy Memorial Day because I most likely won't be here.

For my hockey question: OK, you know that I'm too lazy to check the recent questions asked. But I have heard 2 rumors about the Flyers. One, was that Briere has been trying to lure Campbell to Philadelphia. I mean I doubt this would happen considering his price but if Hatcher retires it's a possibility. The second one I heard is a Carter signing today. I heard rumors of 13 years and 70 million. I think 5 is an okay price considering how he has performed but I once again don't like the long contract. Thoughts?

Oh, I almost forgot, I would like to congratulate the Pens on making it to the Stanley Cup. I wish we could've made it a series. (Not that I'm rooting for you against Detroit) =P




  1. Hi Dave. Eklund said on hockeybuz that they haven't even started to talk.... but then again this is coming from Eklund lol

  2. Hi

    Yep Detroits gonna win

    dry i dont get it lol

  3. Hi ummmm..the pic is familiar...the name is familiar....Welcome Back Dan is it?jk

    I would love to see Campbell in a Flyers sweater and I guess I'm too lazy to look it up as well but I'm hoping they resign Carter.Thats a very steep contract though.I'm hoping not another Chris Gratton on our hands.

  4. How come you didn't wish us all a happy Victoria Day last weekend?

  5. HA I knew you'd be back. I'm glad.

    I have heard some of those rumors too. I have no idea what he will do. I'm thinking if he really really wants to win a Stanley Cup, stay in San Jose. If he wants to go to a famous hockey town/area, then he will go elsewhere.

  6. oh wow *Pokes* Hey Look guys! He's still alive!

    Carter is a Londoner. Londoner's rule.

  7. Yeah Dave, like someone already said, if it came from Eklund, I say go ask any tree in your yard for a more informed answer.

    Holmgren was interviewed on Daily News Live the other day and said that they want to get Carter signed and doubts that there will be any problem with that.

    However, I don't think the NHL processes contracts during weekends but I'm not 100% certain of that.

    Speculation about Campbell being sold on the Flyers by Briere was in the Philadelphia Inquirer earlier in the week.

  8. go beyond Hatcher... Preimu is now off the cap Rathje might retire Smith will be gone as well as Modry

    just those four alone make for some huge $$ to lure another Top Free agent in so Campbell is very possible
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