
Back handspring trouble on trampoline????? (gymnasts only plz)?

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i am in gymnastics (classes start september) and i was in gymnastics when i was 5. also i was in cheer since 1st grade. anyway when i try a back handspring on the trampoline i just totally freeze. doess anyone have any moves that can help me lose my fear? and i dont want to hear "keep your legs straight, hands by your ears" because i already know all that i just dont know how to get over my fear of flying back. also i can do a front handspring. and remember this is for a trampoline not ground. also plz do not say "take classes" because i am in a month.




  1. i have the same problem i dont like flying backwards but just try to clear ur mind and go for it. the more u do this it gets easier. and u shouldnt try it without ur coach there until u really have them.

  2. I know you can do it! Take a deep breath && believe in yourself! Most likely you wont get hurt cause the trampoline will bounce you right back up!! HAVE TRUST IN YOURSElF!  

    Dont close youre eyes cause that might just make it worst


  3. whatever you gymnastics coach is telling you is wrong. I have been in gymnastics since i was was born, my mom would take my to the gym with her because she worked there her whole life. You are supposed to pretend you are sitting in a chair, swing your arms back then  make suree your arms stay straight the whole time or else you with buckle and you will transfuse your elbow, or jam it. then just plant your hands on the trampoline and stand up. Its really good if you give it a little umfff or else you will just fall on your head when you buckle, good luck..oh and btw this will work because im 13 and i have a roundoff backhandspring full twist so concentrate, just dont be scared, thats what messes you up the most. Good luck.

  4. You just need to trust yourself more, I think. Maybe you could ask someone to spot you, so that you get used to it? My sister had the same problem, so I spotted her a few times, and now she can do it by herself fine.

  5. have you done it before by yourself, or has anycoaches told u that you have it? because if fears your problem, you just need to try to get that out of your head. I remember when I was learning my backhandspring, there was like a month i was so scared to do it by myself. what i find that helps me overcome a frustrating fear is to take a few days and stop thinking about it or trying to do it.  then after a couple days, try again. if you know how to do it, especially on tramp, then i don't think you have anything to worry about.

  6. well one thing my BFF told me was to trust yourself and you have to have faith in you and the people surrounding you. Or else, you'll lose it. Trust, practice and strength is all you need to have a successful back handspring. Well, hope i gave you a correct and good answer. : ]

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