
Back in the time of the indigenous people. what kind of indigenous people were native to GUERRERO MEXICO...?

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Back in the time of the indigenous people. what kind of indigenous people were native to GUERRERO MEXICO...?




  1. The territory that today is known as the state of Guerrero, was first inhabited by nomadic groups that traveled though different regions looking for food and refuge, more than twenty thousand years ago.

    Some authors differ in the ethnicity of the first tribes that established in the region, some believing they were of olmec origin, coming from the region of the Gulf of Mexico, based on the great influence of the culture inthe state, as the characteristic "Hombre Jaguar". Other essential characteristics of the olmec influence  were the group of dispersed villages, the construction of ceremonial temples and the establishment of a political, cultural and religious organization administered by priests who were assuming government functions.

    Other cultures were based in the state, like mezcala and coixcas that arrived later on and that brought the teotihuacan cultural model with them, in their ceramics, ball games, etc.

    By the 14th centry, towns with their own cultural characteristics were based in the already diverse territory, coexisting some in a pacific way and others in constant warlike conflicts. Among the most important groups were purépechas, cuitlaltecas, ocultecas and matlatzincos, in the Tierra Caliente region; the chontales, mazatlecos and tlahuicas in the North Mountain range; coíxcas and tepuztecos in Central Valleys; the tlapanecos and the mixtecos in the Mountain; jopis, mixtecos and amuzgos in the Small Coast, and tolimecas, chubias, pantecas and cuitlaltecas in the Costa Grande.

    There were also yopes, a tribe that was never dominated by the Aztecs, and was conquered towards 1553 by the Spaniards and exterminated almost totally.

  2. This website may help you:


  3. The state of Guerrero has a total population of 3,079,649, of which 17.2% are indigenous (529,780 people). The indigenous population in Guerrero is found principally in the Mountain region and, to a lesser degree, in the Small Coast region, both of which are the most marginalized areas in the state.

    The indigenous population is comprised of 4 different groups:

    212,000 Nahualts (nauas) make up 40% of the indigenous population

    148,000 Mixtecos (na savi), 28%

    116,000 Tlapanecos (me ‘phaa), 22%

    47,500 Amuzgos (suljaa’), 9%

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