
Back into shape?

by  |  earlier

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I used to play volleyball like crazy

but then I moved and I got out of shape and I really want to start again

so I want to get back into shape

what are some diets (healthy) that I could do?

and some excersises?




  1. I'm trying to just get healthy also this is my plan:::::::]

    no candy (which is hard with all the leftover Easter candy)

    1 soda/ week


    15 squats

    25 calf raises

    10, 90 degree pushups

    30 lemon squeezers

    10 squats

    20 calf raises

    25 lemon squeezers

    *I also lift these 5lb weights through out the day*

    *Try some leg weigts. Mine velcro around my ankles. Just try to walk around through ur house and do some normal activities. You will be surprised how ur legs will build up after wearing them over a few weeks.*

    [[[[ you could also try to jump rope in the leg weigts for a challenge]]]]]]]]]

  2. Eating protein every 3 to 4 hours to keep your metabolism and energy level up. Drink at least 64 ounces of water throughout each day to keep hydrated and flush out stored fat. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats like chicken, tuna, fish, baked or grilled, whole grain bread, rice and pasta, and lots of spinach or green leafy salads. Watch your portions. NO SUGAR, NO WHITE FLOUR, NO STARCHES LIKE POTATOES, CORN, PEAS, NOTHING FRIED, NO FAST FOOD except Subway 6" on wheat. Here's a link to the best diet I've ever been on. I lost 9 pounds every 11 days - simple, fast and highly effective! Check it out.

  3. I had some great luck with the South Beach diet.

    As far as exercising you need to work yourself back into it. I have found that the hardest part about exercising is getting it back into you daily routine. Running, Biking, Ellipse, Swimming, etc. are all great to start getting you into shape. Also Yoga or kick boxing  classes are good.  You want to work your core as well so some lifting to tone your muscles and some ab workouts a couple times a week will help too.  The key is not to over do it...especially in the beginning and do what you have time for.   After about a month or so switch up your routine so you don't get bored with it and you body will actually benefit more with the change.
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