
Back/neck pain?? am only 17 yrs old?

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i have had this pain for like a year now.. can't get rid of it. its like not that bad but sometimes it just really hurts. sometimes i feel pain in the morning when i wake up but most of the time from stsanding up and doing the dishes.. my back relaly hurts so when i bend down its like stiff and it cracks. im only 17 help!!!!!

ps. i usually sleep on my side. i try to sleep on my back but it hurts :S




  1. Are you on the computer a lot? If you are, you should take breaks after half on hour on the computer. Make sure you are sitting up straight while on the computer as well. When waking up, stretch your back and neck. Bend your neck forwards, to the left, and to the right. Hold each of these poses for 30 seconds. Do the same for your back. Go into a child's pose on the floor. Also, lay flat on the floor and then push your upper body up with your arms straight. Keep everything below and including your waist, on the ground. Arch your back as much as you can to get a refreshing stretch. If after a week of doing this daily you have not improved, go to a doctor.

  2. Hi! I'm sorry about the pain you're experiencing! Pain can be very frustrating and scary - especially for someone so young! =(

    One thing I would recommend is evaluating various things in your life that could be aggravating your neck and back. It could be something you don't even think about causing the problem. Like a heavy backpack! I'm actually appalled by the heavy backpacks teens have to carry (with all the textbooks and along with a laptop can be quite a bit of weight).  So, think about things like that and things that relate to your posture at home and at school.

    The other thing I would recommend if your back bothering you enough to cause pain you may want to see a Doctor for a spine X-Ray. One of my sons was complaining of back pain and we found out he has a curvature of the spine.

    One thing that helps is OTC Liquid Advil (it's also in generic) if you can take advil OK, it's fast acting and takes great care of the pain.

    I do hope you get relief soon!  

  3. bengay for your muscle....pain killer for pain relief

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