
Back number plate falling off 5 days after buying the car?

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Should the dealer fix this for free?

The car has a 3 month warranty.




  1. That would depend on the terms of your warranty I think.

    But who would quibble over the price of a couple of plastic screws.???

    Lol, what am I saying!!!! Car dealerships would silly!!!

  2. your dealer didn't fix it on properly so it's there responsibility if you have any trouble tell them your going to contact the manufacturer and complain that one of there agents is not offering the service required when buying one of there new vehicles

  3. Probably just held on with sticky tabs - they lose their stick ability after a while - got two choices - take it back and ask them to reattach it or go to local DIY store and buy some outdoor sticky tabs for a couple of quid - pop the plate off and stick some more tabs on.

    Added - now you tell us the plate blew off - in other words it fell off - not covered by any warranty at all - you will need a new plate - ask the dealer to get one or go to the local car accs shop with your log book and get one made

  4. No they shouldn't. The warranty does not cover the plate, since the manufacturer does not supply them. Just put it back on fgs.

    The dealer is not responsible for the wind, and cannot make a new plate. You must take the log book (V5) to an auhorised number plate maker and get a new one. Then simply fit the new plate. They are usually held with self-tapping screws with a yellow cap, or maybe you could use double sided tape.

    EDIT - re Sale of Goods Act - this covers mainly NEW items. Second hand goods (in English law) are conventionally sold on a "bought as seen" basis. You accept the goods in the condition in which they are sold, though a warranty still may be included. But new or used, I seriously doubt any warranty would cover a number plate. Most warranties cover mechanical failure or "fair wear and tear" and do not normally include acts of vandalism or damage caused by natural phenomena such as the weather.

  5. Yeah - the dealer should probably fix this.  But can't you just s***w it back on yourself? - it's not really a defect with the car, it's just one of those things...

  6. Take it to the dealer and ask nicely. It wouldn't normally be covered as most warranties cover mechanical faults.

    If they don't. Take yourself, your car and your registration certificate to a motorshop and they can run up a plate for you, and fix it on free. Only costs about £10.

  7. seems most people cant read

  8. I would ask. It might not strictly be covered but a good dealer would want to keep customer goodwill. It's not expensive and he'll probably be happy to take the cost for your satisfaction with his service.

  9. The warranty probably doesn't cover the number plate - it counts as bodywork.  Under the Sale of Goods Act, the car has to be fit for purpose.  Since you are required to have a number plate by law, a loose number plate is something the dealer should attend to.  Getting him to act on his responsibilities is another matter - it's hardly worth taking him to court for the sake of tightening up the screws.

    If it's a used car with a loose numberplate, I'd be very suspicious. Check out the chassis number at

  10. The first question to ask is, Did the dealer put new plates on the car?  They usually fit new plates so that they can include their name at the bottom.

    If they did, then they didn't fix it on properly and yes they should replace it.

    If they didn't then I very much doubt that your warranty will cover it so you'll have to go to a registered plate maker (franchaised dealer usually) and get a new one.  About £12 I think.

    Finally, are you sure that it just fell off?  In the present climate of car cloning someone may have stolen it to clone another vehicle, If you are in any doubt report it's loss to the police otherwise you may start getting parking tickets etc.

  11. if you put on a mini skirt and a big smile u just might get it 4 free,as for the number plate theres loads of car parts shops that will do you a n plate without log book,about a 3 month warrenty there not worth the paper there wrote on,and you shouldent pay more than £10 for a new n plate,dont use sticky tape to stick it back on,as when the tape gets wet it looses its stick,get it screwed on,and you wont loose it again,and as for all these ppl who go on about sales of goods act you make me laugh,on a second hand car you do need a warrenty,what ppl dont know you can buy a 12month warrenty straight from a warrenties company at half the price  where you bought the car from,

  12. They should, but personally, i would do it myself with some double sided tape or those foam pads. it isnt the biggest job in the world.

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