3 months ago (April) My wife and I did a house hunting. At first we were looking at used house for a reasonable price, but it seems the last builder we ran into gave us a good offer (paying for down payment, closing cost, buy down if i go thru their lender) for a 1800sqft/4bedroom house for 235K. We signed on the Purchase Agreement Contract, did the loan process, i'm not sure if the loan is approve yet. but closing cost is 3 months from now (Oct), but i was informed by the loan officer that i have to signed the final loan next month (August or Sept). I was just curious to see if housing have fallen. and I found a 2000sqft/3bedroom in the same community for 179K and was only built 2005. I am tempted to back out but was wondering if possible. I know I am going to lose our earnest deposit (1500). What else could be bad by backing out? Is it safe? I visited the site and it seems they haven't started on building the house that was supposed to start the construction last month (June).