
Back pain...ahhh!!! 10 points for best answer!!?

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ok ive been having really bad back pain for about a week now...i think i strained it while lifting weights...i made an appointment to see a chiropractor in 2 days...ive been taking tylenol and i even have naproxen sodium which ive been taking...i experience the most pain while im in bed...first it went to my lower back, then my mid back and then my upper back (around my neck) and there a times when i get heart burn...what do u think happened to my back?? do you think its a pinched nerve or a pulled muscle, etc?? i know that im going to a chiropractor but id like to know beforehand...also how long does it take for the pain to go away and what other treatments are good for back pain?? thanks so much! 10 points for best answer!!!




  1. Rub some ActivOn on it, that helped mine. That should help until your appointment. They sell it at WalMart for about 6 bucks or so.

  2. Well, i know someone who had something similar (without the medical stuff) just the back pain.

    He "hung" himself.

    he held on to his swing in his back garden (although i guess a door frame would suffice) and basically let his arms hold his body weight for 5-10 minuites?

    seemed to do him just fine

  3. Honestly medication just releive pain TEMPORARLY to have a more permenant releive of pain try BOWMANS therapy, message therapy, physiotherapy, my point is you need therapy. it works. My dad tried itafter he got back from the army and let me tell ya it works. If you are interested send me an email and I can give you further information. The good thing about this kind of treatment is that the first bowmans therapy you can feel results. so you wont be wasting time and $$ so please let me know if your interested youve only got pain to lose. THanks  

  4. i would go to a acupuncturist,, it really helps my sister!!!

  5. I would do 20 minutes of heat and then cold for a couple of hours.  It sounds like you're having spasms.  Take a super hot shower and in the end, turn on ice cold, then hot.  You need a stronger pain med and a muscle relaxer.  I would see an orthopedist.

  6. Take diazepam and ibuprofen. Those helped me when I strained a neck muslce...

  7. Try lying down on a hard surface such as your floor. This gives you more support than a bed. Also, be careful of your posture, and if, like you say, you use weights, take it steady and stretch before and after.

    Sit up straight, stretch your muscles and use supports.

    Good luck. Back pain is a nightmare, I know!

  8. i dont know any treatments but if you're back is hurting then stretch it backwards like you're gonna go into the crab it soothes it for a few seconds (Y)

  9. Don't go to a chiro. before getting a medical Dr. opinion.  You may have a simple muscle pull, or if could be something worse - like a 'slipped disk'.  If you do have a herniated disk, seeing a chiro could do more damage.

    I 'pulled' my back in May, and still have pain from it.  I do have several herniated disks though - but I never would've known had I not gone to a neuro and had him do a complete neuro exam, as well as a complete MRI scan of my spine.

    Good luck!

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