
Back pain and shin splints after running?

by  |  earlier

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alright, i've been running cross country all summer, and we started official practice 4 days ago, and since the official practice, i've been getting shin splints not sure if thats regular or not, but whatever. whats really bothering me is that in the middle of running today, a muscle on the mid left side of my back was sprained, and i have no idea how to heal it fast, anyone have any sugestions on healing spained back muscles by yourself? (and to avoid getting back sprains) and possibly, how to heal and avoid shin splints.thanks.




  1. I always get shin spits when I run two or more days in a row. I find that when I take a day or two of rest from running, I perform better and I'm in less pain. Sometimes I'll just use the elliptical to get my cardio, or even swimming is good. Maybe you should speak with your coach and explain how you are in a lot of pain and need a break from running but are willing to do other forms of cardio workouts to keep up endurance when you get back to running.

  2. The best way to prevent shin splints (I used to have them) is to alter your running style. A lot of times they occur because someone is running too flat-footed. When your foot hits the pavement, the heel should make contact first. Then the rest of the foot should "roll" into contact. It takes a little time to perfect, but it will make them stop occurring most likely. Worked for me. P.S. To relieve the pain from them now...use ice. Good luck.

  3. If i were you i would put some ice one it, of even fill a bathtub of cold water and ice, and just lay in it for about 8 minutes, h**l it sucks but it gets the job done

    The next day you'll feel alot better

  4. oh man same as me i've been running a lot after "not running at all" and it hurts you might just out of shape

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