I've been having this really weird pain right under my left shoulder. (shoulder blade?) And it's been going on since October 07. Right when i got my first job. And it was a really intense pain like a burning/aching. But like really intense. And i thought it was from constantly moving my arm. But the odd part was that I'm right handed and it was my left side. And I've went to the doctor and she didn't really help. And tried a sling. To keep myself from moving it at work (which made it hurt more). And the odd part was that the whole area surrounding where it was hurting, is totally numb. And to this day, it still is!! And it's been since October!! And the pain has gone down a lot but its still numb and whenever I sit for a long time or sit slouched over a bit on my bed, it starts to hurt again. and its been so long this shouldn't be happening!! I don't know what to do!!! Please help on what to do! Because when I get a new job, I'm afraid that it'll go back to the same pain again.