
Back pain.....?

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Im 25weeks pregnant and for the last 2 or so weeks, Ive been getting this wierd back pain...... Its either comes up on my lower left or right side where my discs are, and depending on which side it is, it makes the whole leg go numb and theres a pain in that knee, if Im in the middle of something and it happens, I have to tippy toe on that leg to get around untill it goes away (most times I can have the chance to just sit down, luckily) .... Has anyone else had this back pain during pregnancy? and is it because of baby??




  1. Yes, as others have said, it's just the baby lying on a nerve.  Both my boys were most comfortable lying on my sciatic nerve the whole third trimester, so I had a lot of back and leg pain.  Unfortunately, I've had lingering back pain even after having them.

    The belly brace is a good option, as is resting as much as you can.

  2. Yes...the baby is on a nerve...that's the leg numbness and the pain.

  3. yup the baby is hitting a nerve. perfectly normal & a pain in the a$$!! sometimes litterally :)

    get a belly support brace/bra from babierus $30, they actually help alot & when you get further along it will ease the regular aches & pains alot!!

    when the baby shifts positions s/he should stop hitting it, so hopefully they move soon, but they could keep hitting it for weeks. good luck!

  4. With my first pregnancy, I was at work as a waitress, (not sure how far along I was), but I was walking by a counter & had this awful sharp pain start in my lower back & shoot down my leg & had to catch myself on the counter. A co-worker saw me & rushed over to see if I was o.k. I told her what happened & she kinda giggled, I thought "What the heck is so funny?" She then told me I'd be o.k. that my baby was on a nerve. She put an ice pack on my back where the pain started & a couple minutes later I felt my baby move. She then told me the baby don't like the cold so when I get a pain like that just put ice on the spot so baby will move & I should feel better. Luckily it didn't happen to often but when it did the ice worked!
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