
Back pains wen im 14???

by Guest45262  |  earlier

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im 14 and ive been having back pains for a while now, any idea wats wrong??

i have been using weights for years, lots of people say there to heavy, with lifting around 15k bicep curl and 50-60k bench press, is this the cause of the pain????




  1. go see a chiropractor

  2. It's possible that your are lifting too much or too heavy of weights. If your going to a gym, I would speak to someone, especially a trainer. But if your just doing this on your own at home. I think you should see a doctor, because you shouldn't be having back pains (at any age)

  3. have you been sleeping bad? have you been carrying around a backpack? that might be the problem but i don't know about the weights

  4. straighten your back boy!

  5. you have proberly dun some damage to ya back babe get an oppointment to see the doctor xx

  6. Stand and sit up straight, don't slouch. Sleep on your back, straight.

  7. I would consider going to a chiropractor. They do amazing work. I suffer from severe neck, back, pelvic, and TMJ problems. I get adjusted once a week to every two weeks. I feel so much better after my appointment. My pain as drastically subsided. I would strongly recommend making an apointment with a chiropractor. ;)


  9. You over stress ,killing yourself that cause you back pain stop now.

  10. I didn't think you could use weights in a gym under 16 years.

    However, it sounds like the weights are causing the problem, you could have recently strained a muscle by pushing or lifting incorrectly, or just over use of the muscle.

    It could also be your posture when sitting, walking, you do spend quite a bit of time sitting at a desk which can cause strain over time.

    Perhaps try some swimming instead of weights for a while, which should help to loosen your muscles while still toning up.

  11. Make sure it's not a kidney infection, first. If not, maybe see a chiropractor or physical therapist.

    Kidney infections can feel like really bad back pain, if you don't know what they feel like, at first.

  12. maybe its your bed, try sleeping in a different bed to see if it was your bed.  

  13. stop working out so much

  14. Lower back pain is very common, and can effect young or old people.  Common lower back pain is usually caused by a painful spasm of the muscles there. You simply have to wait for it to go away.  It will take longer to go away if start lying around all the time.  Go about your daily activities, avoid moving in ways that make your back hurt again.  Pick up things by bending your knees instead of bending at the waist.  Underdevelopment of the muscles in the belly and lower torso can make you more prone to back pain, but you can get it even if you're well-developed.  You can sometimes set off a back pain episode when using weights because you did something a little differently, without meaning to or without knowing exactly what you did.

    It doesn't sound like your weight regimen is too heavy.  It's more than some 14 year olds, but not excessive.

    There are other things that can cause lower back pain, but the above is the most common cause.  Go to the doctor if you want to rule out the other, more rare causes.  That's what I did when I had back pain.  When I found it was simple backache, I continued all my activities, including social dancing.  I had no pain at all when dancing, because I was not moving in a way that strained my back.

  15. go to a chiropractor and if that doesnt help maybe you should see a doctor. my cousin is 13 and she has back pains too, and shes a girl! but she went to the chiropractors and now she feels no pain. sometimes your back just needs it!

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