
Back pay in child support?

by  |  earlier

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my husband's ex says she's gonna put him on child support. this is fine with me b/c i feel that maybe it will make their arrangement easier without all the fighting that they do. my question is about back pay. his daughter is 9. does he pay nine years of back pay, or is there a limit on the years that he has to pay for?




  1. it all depends on when the order was filed... in my sons case his father was only ordered to pay 2 yrs back support and i filed the day he was born... if he has proof he was giving the mother something it may even look better showing that he was trying to be responsible for his daugher

  2. Well in Australia, you can only get back pay from the date that you file for child support. Which would mean that here, she would not be entitled to 9 yrs worth. Maybe 2-3 weeks... depending on what date she filed and how long it took for the authorities to process it. Also:

    Hypothetically, if she went to court and said 'he hasn't paid me a dime in child support in 9 yrs'' then a judge would say to her 'this is not the fathers fault that you didn't file'

    Hope this makes sense. Maybe you should ask again under law and ethics and add where abouts you are located. You might find better answers. Best of luck.

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