
Back problems? What can I do to relieve them?

by Guest60269  |  earlier

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I think I might be having problems with my back. Everytime I wake up from my bed, my back gets incredibly sore especially around my shoulders. Usually the soreness goes away about an hour after I wake up. Note I started noticing when I started to work night shifts. I think these are some reasons why my back is hurting:

-I slouch a lot. Since I'm a tall person and I play video games/on my computer a lot, I have a tendency to slouch and lean over often.

-I don't drink milk

-I started a summer job on night shifts, doing a task that does strain my back somewhat

That being said, I'm not sure if my back problems are just because of my night shift job, or my bad habits (e.g. slouching) have started to catch up with me now. I'm 20 years old by the way. Do you guys have any suggestions on how to relieve my back problems? Should I go see a doctor?




  1. See a specialist...change your life style

  2. Massage therapy works wonders on shoulder and back problems...will get you squared away in a hurry.  You may also take an anti inflammatory (Ibuprofen) and or a muscle relaxer.

  3. Yes you should see a doctor. What I do when my back is acting up real bad and pain killers aren't working (i already know whats wrong with mine) I lay on the floor on back and put feet and legs up on my bed till i feel like can do something again.

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