
Back problems (lower area near sacrum)

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this may seem a little far fetched and many of you may not be able to answer but any help is very much appreciated.

It started about 5-6 months ago and i began to get back pain (i never fell or anything). I am only 13 so it was a bit unusual. The pain was quite low down and was slightly to the left. it wasnt serious at first so i let it go and thought it was muscular. it began to get worse over time and it began to sometimes for a few minutes it would stiffen up going so painful that i couldnt move. about a month after the whole thing started we paid a local visit to my G.P. He sent me off for blood tests, urine tests and an ultra sound, which all came clear. i was then prescribed pain killers and had an x-ray. i waited for the results to come through then the doctor told me that there was a 'deformity' around the sacrum area (he mumbles a bit so i lost a lot of info). he said he would refer me to the hospital. That was a couple of months ago. My main questions are:

How much longer may i have to wait before i get a letter? (i have waited 2 months so far) I know it varies but any info is helpful.

What is a deformity around the sacrum and what can be done to cure it? (what are the possible procedures)

Anything that may be helpful will be appreciated, thanks in advance.




  1. Get a chair with back massage they apparently help and prevent it.

    Now please answer mine:

  2. u havent pronounced anything wrong mate, this guy obviously doesnt know where his sacrum is.

    i myself had a sore back for many years, i think i was 15 or 16 when it started, but my pain was below my sacrum in my tailbone (to the lefthand side). i think there was some sort of abnormality there also.

    what is ur pain like? does it get sore suddenly like a stabbing pain? do your legs feel like they are gonna give way when u get the pain? is it very painful and sensitive to touch? does it keep u awake at night?

    If you answer yes to any of these I know where ur comin from! its not nice!!

    After about 2 - 3 years of taking many different types of pain killer and numerous trips to the hospital for x-rays, bone scans and blood tests i eventually was given a steroid injection into the part of the bone that was sore. it took three of these injections over a period of 6months to get rid of the pain for good. Dont get me wrong, it was the worst pain I've ever felt having it done, but if i was to waken up tomorrow with the same pain a wouldnt have to think twice about gettin it done again!

    Im now 24 and havent had a sore back since!

    Waiting times for hospital appointments differ for the different departments. u could be waiting possibly 6 - 9 months before u get word back!

    Goodluck and keep us posted!

  3. I think you'll find it's pronounced s*****m.

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