
Back row and front row faults?

by Guest34124  |  earlier

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I know that backrow and front row aren't supposed to overlap. And that positon 1 can't overlap with postion 6....and so on.

Is this just at the serve or during the play too?




  1. once the ball goes into play you are allowd to make your swithches

  2. Once the ball is served anyone can go anywhere on the court.

    But after the ball is dead everyone must go back to their original position.

  3. At the moment the ball is contacted for the serve!

    An easy way to help w/overlapping...know who you are between & who you are opposite.  Overlapping occurs ONLY front to back & side by side.  The BR player may not be CLOSER TO the center line than the FR player she is behind.  The center player may not be CLOSER TO the side line than the outside player.  

    Position 2 can't be overlapping w/position 4 because they're not side by side positions at the moment of the serve.  Same as Position 2 can't be overlapping w/position 6 because they are not front to back positions.

  4. Only while serving a team is serving. when the ballis in play it is fine.

  5. The "overlap" or position fault is just at the moment of contact.  Many people think that it is at the moment of the toss.  With more people doing jump serves with high tosses, more "overlaps" are being called.  

    Position 1 can not be in front of position 2, position 6 can not be in front of position 3, and position 5 can not be in front of position 4 at the moment of contact of the serve.  Also, 6 can not be closer to the right sideline than position 1 or closer to the left sideline than position 5.  And finally, position 3 can not be closer to the right sideline than position 2 or closer to the right sideline than position 4.  

    I will stress again.  At the moment of the contact of the serve.  Not the whistle or the toss.

  6. can switch anytime during play..but be carefull cause you want to make sure everyone is in the right spot and not out of position.

  7. after the ball is in play you can whatever your coach wants you to do

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