
Back then, would you take up arms in the civil war? witch side would you take just wondering?

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the union had to put down the rebellion & restore commerce, & preserve the union & free the slaves . the confederates thought that thair rights were being threatened, defending thair states, lands, famileys and freedem, and to take on the northern invaders from thair southern country, sorry if anybody finds this offensive god bless the usa & csa




  1. I would have been a confederate, president Lincoln was the first one to call upon volunteers to quell the "rebellion" which was the reason Virginia succeeded from the union and other states like Kentucky.  Lincoln's quick draw attitude also was the reason most of the quality officers stayed with the confederates Lee, Longstreet, Jackson, Pickett, Armistad, Early and so on.  Lincoln couldn't find a quality officer to lead the war because all of his quality leadership would not stand to serve under a president that would call up volunteers to invade his own country.  

  2. i would join a make believe war of the future group and battle starships with make-believe stun-thingys made out of wood and get together for beer and food afterwards.

  3. I would join the Liberal North to once again kick some redneck southern ***!

  4. I'd grab the rifle and march off to the war.

    "Hurrah! Hurrah! For Southern Rights Hurrah!"

  5. I would get out of there.

  6. I would say the North.  Besides freeing the slaves, I do think the Union needed to be preserved.

  7. The south fought because they believed they had the right to secede from the union. Had nothing to do with slavery until after the fact!

  8. being from the north I would join the south

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