
Back to School Open House - My daughters (10th grade) and my sons (6th grade) are both on the same day -

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They are both on the same day at the same time and they are both attending new schools. Although, this is my daughters second year of high school and this will be the first new school for my son who is going into Middle School. Do you think it would be okay if I dropped my daughter (15 yr. old) off and went to the younger child's open house?




  1. I would try to do both.  If you have a spouse, perhaps he could do one and you could do the other?  A sister or brother whose children are going to the same school could also take over for you at one of the school (less likely to bother the teenager than your little one).  If not, try going to one first, then leave and go to the end of the other.

  2. nope go to the beginning of one and the end of the other.

  3. The beauty of an open house is that you are not expected to stay from beginning to end.  Make an appearance at your son's, then stop in briefly for your daughter.  (My own 10th grader could not possibly care less if I showed up at school at all, ever, but he's a boy.  Maybe girls are different?)

  4. I'm 15 and I started a new school last year where I didn't even know anyone. My mom didn't go to my open house for something like the same reason you gave. If I'm right, it's your sons first time a a bigger school. I suggest going to the 6th grade open house, because if your daughter wanted she could just tell you about the school...

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