
Back to School Tips... PLEASE??

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Hi! I'm going into sixth grade in eight days. I went into middle school in fifth grade because my school district only has two schools. One is K-4th grade and then the other is 5-8. The high school students have to take the school bus all the way to the other district. Anyway, I went to middle school last year, so I don't need to worry about getting around or anything. I'll have new classes though! For the fifth grade you only have one class, so it'll be confusing having to pay attention to the bells!

Anyway, if you have any tips, like a list of what to buy for supplies and clothes. Or tips on dealing with the middle school drama. Like lousy friends, boy drama, popularity, doing well in school. I've listed the things I'll need help on:





School Work



Older/Popular Kids


The best answer will have at least a small tip for everything I listed above. Maybe you could help me by giving me an after school schedule with time for homework, friends, TV, phone, etc.?





  1. Oh my gosh, one of my favorite things to do is prepare for a new school year. I'm going to be junior in high school this year, so i remember what it was like going into 6th grade.

    Clothes: I used to just buy things that everyone wore (A&F, Hollister, etc.) because I thought that what was cool. After some more experience, I realized that I don't even like those brands. Yeah, some of their tanks and whatnot are pretty darn comfortable, but not really my style. So just experiment a little. Browse the stores and just try pairing different things together for some outfits. I'd recommend for sure getting a shirt-dress. I just got one, put on a pair of long dark-heathered leggings under them, and I consider it my staple "Oh-my-god-i-have-nothing-to-wear" outfit.

    Grades: Really, from year to year, this subject never changes. I always psych myself out to think that the next school year will be a lot tougher, and I won't be able to get good grades. But honestly, as long as you put a little effort into finishing your hw (this will also make you more prepared for tests), and doing some review of everything before tests, you should be just fine (wouldn't be surprised if you got straight a's either). Also, try to pay attention in class. I've found that teachers include a lot of test topics in their lectures.

    Teachers: Just be nice, courteous. Pay attention. You know, the basic stuff. But try not to be too quiet. I've found that my teachers are more attracted to the more confident students. So don't be too passive in your conversations with them.

    Homework/School Work: Kind of already went over this. You should just finish it right when you get home. You might feel inclined to procrastinate, but I swear you'll have enough time for friends when you're done. and you won't have that feeling of guilt hanging over you either.

    Organization: For sure get a planner. I like the "timemine" ones at border's. They might be a little bulky, but they're cute and have plenty of space to write everything you need down. So copy down all of your hw, things to do, etc, and check them off as you go. That way, nothing gets left undone. And keep your desk clean. It's a lot easier to study and concentrate that way. A cluttered desk always leaves distraction everywhere.

    Boys: Honestly, just look as them as if they were girls. I used to freak out about boys, and that didn't get me anywhere. Now, I just look as them as people like me, and if you get to know them, boys are really easy to talk to. I'd say they're a lot easier to talk to than girls, actually. Girls tend to kind of look you up and down (i don't know if you've noticed this before), but boys are really genuine and uncritical of who you are. They're pretty carefree. So if you're just yourself (so cliche, sorry) and treat them as you would any other person, they'll notice that about you. Most of the guys who've liked me started out as friends. i think friends who are boys (not necessarily boyfriends) are the best kind of friends to have.

    Older/Popular Kids: Popular kids these days aren't quite so high-and-mighty as they are in movies. Don't treat them like gods. They don't appreciate it. I'm sure most popular kids don't even realize the popular aspect about their lives. They're simply living their school-life they way they want to, and that's what makes people attracted to them. Same goes with older kids. I don't consider myself to be any better than the freshmen/sophomores. People are just people.

    Friends: First off, and this might sound a little harsh: get rid of the friends you don't want. You know you've got some friends that you don't exactly like. I know I did. And I made the mistake of keeping them around too long, because I was too scared to brush them off. The thing is, if you do what I did, you end up getting stuck with them, and believe me, that sucks. And the friends you don't like are probably the friends that don't treat you very well as a person. if you have a tough time even thinking about not hanging out with them anymore, imagine yourself being treated that way for the rest of your high middle school/ high school career. Not good. So i'd say, get it over with now. It'll be even tougher after you've been together for a couple of years. But don't be cold! Be open to new friends. I'm just saying, back off if you find out they're not the kind of people you want to associate yourself with.

    This is incredibly long, so I'm sorry. But I hope this helped. Good luck on your first day of 6th grade!

  2. For supplies you should get a list in the mail about 2 weeks before school telling you what to buy.  

    For clothing make sure you get lots of the basics:

    logo tees

    tee shirts




    flip flops

    Most people your age shop at american eagle, hollister, abercrombie and other mall stores.

    And just so you know, school is easy grade wise.  Don't stress either, 6th grade doesn't matter.

    Teachers will like you if you try hard and don't distract others.  Just don't be a teachers pet.

    For homework as long as you do it you will probably be fine.

    Schoolwork is the same.

    Try to be organized with your locker by using the shelves in it and labeling your binders.

    As far as boys go they like girls who are confident enough to be themselves, although a cute outfit can't hurt.

    The older kids will probably ignore you so you don't have to worry about them and the popular kids are just kids like you and are probably just as self conscious.

    Friends are important.  I made a lot of my close friends in 6th grade.  Be nice to everyone and talk to people and you'll be fine..

    As for a schedule my after school time looks something like this:

    1.come home and put my backpack down/change out of my school clothes and in to something more comfortable

    2.i then try to get my homework out of the way so i dont have to be up doing it when i should be sleeping

    3.after you finish all of your homework then hang out with your friends for a few hours or watch tv/go on the computer/call someone

    4.try to get home and eat dinner around 6-8pm

    5.after eating dinner shower/get ready for the next day etc

    also pick out an outfit the night before

    6.i find it helpful not to watch tv up to 30 minutes before i go to bed instead try reading to calm yourself down

    Also i know you didnt ask but i thought a morning routine would be helpful

    1.wake up 30-60 minutes before you have to go to school breakfast-don't skip it or you will spend every class before lunch wishing you would have eaten something

    3.pull your hair back and apply makeup, since your only going to be in 6th grade i would stick to the basic mascara/lipgloss look, also wearing concealer if you need it and maybe a little eye makeup or blush

    4.fix your hair

    5.get dressed

    6.brush your teeth

    7.leave for school

    Good luck

  3. wear n e thing from hollister, forever 21, abercrombie and ull look good...good luck:D

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