
Back to flamin school!!?

by Guest64868  |  earlier

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I tell ya i hate school, and after a good 6 week break i have to go back to the HELLHOLE. And i feel quite annoyed. I got 5 days left how can i take my mind off the flaming school.




  1. its better than shiftwork believe me

  2. You could view it as an opportunity to learn something and improve your opportunities to give good answers on YA.  I shall also be returning to school next week as a volunteer to help children who are poor readers.  I don't hate it, it adds to my feelings of self-worth.

  3. Your future is probably dependent you what you learn in school. Appreciate what you are getting./

  4. get completely wasted

  5. Godd I know how ya feel. I have 2 Days Left =/

    Definitely is a bummer going back after such a good break.

    Just do whatever you want, if you like video games have a day where you do nothing else but go on it, or buy yourself lots of junk and just stuff yourself, I mean everyone deserves a treat once in a while.

    Once you get back to School just think riightt I don't care about this I'll work then I'll be home and just think roll on friday

    Not as easy as it sounds but hey :) Halloween break will sneak up quicker than you'd think =)

  6. What you need to do is find something which you find really exiting e.g: swimming with your friends. That should take your mind off it! if it doesn't, just read a book or watch tv or something.  

  7. Hahahahahaha!

    I got 6!

  8. OMG! i have 11 days.

    School makes up to 75% of you social life, how did you get your friends!

    i know school can be a S**t hole but still, you can learn. and its more fun than work as my Mum always say.

    but do your work and learn as much as you can, and get good grades, cause i will pay off in later life lol.

  9. You can think yourself lucky that you are not working every day of the week, 52 weeks a year?

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