
Back to public school?

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okay so im homeschooled right now and im goin to 10th grade i used to go to school for 9th grade but my grades were really low and i almost failed so i got homeschooled half way through the year....and this year i will be homeschooled to get alot smarter the i will go back to public school is that possible? Like has anyone ever been homeschooled then went bak to school for 11th or 12th gradE?




  1. Yes, this is possible, but you will need to check with your school district to see if they will count the credits that you are completing at home. Sometimes they will and sometimes they won't. If they will, it will be the same thing as transferring from another private school.

    Best of Luck!


  2. I kinda have the same situation I want to be home schooled my 10th grade year or at least til I can move to a better school[[my family will be  moving soon hopefully]] I have a question posted if u want to check it out homeschool 10 grade year?

  3. well i think you should just decide

    because its really nice to have the social benefits in public school

    but then again you learn what you need to while being home schooled

    so basically you just have to ask your self what you want and go for it

  4. I haven't been homeschooled, but it seems that you can be put back into school for 11th or 12th grade. You'd be like a new student.  
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