
Back to school. Need sleep routine!?

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Ok so every night in the summer I stayed up to 3,4,or even 7 o'clock. My school starts on 9/3 and I need to get back in the routine! Please help me! I need to get AT LEAST 9 hours. Im going into high school and school starts at 7 so I would get up at 630.

Thank you!





  1. That was the same with me what I did was I went to sleep at like 5 in the morning till like 8 so i was still really tired.

    The whole day I was doing something so i wouldnt fall back asleep.

    When 9 o'clock pm hit I was dead tired and i started waking up early.

    good luck

  2. First week u do nout. and getup at 8:30 okay and den set ya self mentaly for a time

  3. Hi Jamie,

    I am a doctor, and I will tell you the same thing I tell my patients who have trouble getting a good sleep routine

    1) Sleep at the same time, and wake up at the same time each day during the school week. Until you are really on a good routine, don't go back to your old habits on weekends.

    2) If you plan to sleep at 10:30 every night, stop homework an hour before, and do relaxing things like watching TV or reading a pleasure book. keep lights low and avoid uncalm situations.

    3) no caffeine (soda, iced tea, iced coffee) after lunch

    4) no exercising late in the day (after 7 pm if you go to bed @ 10:30)

    5) don't do homework on the bed. always do homework at your desk

    6) snoozing in the morning to get few extra minutes of sleep actually makes you sleepier in the day. Just get right out of bed.

    7) Eat breakfast, even a small one if you are not hungry in the morning.

  4. I have the same problem, but I have to wake up at 4 am for my school. For the past week, I've been setting myself back an hour each night so that way It will be easier to fall into routine. I only need 7 hours of sleep to stay awake for around 18 hours, so I go to bed at 9. Set back your schedule so you have enough sleep to stay awake, and you should be fine. Lay in bed, shut your eyes, and think about your favorite place or person. You'll be asleep before you know it. Try listening to songs like "my immortal" by evanescence. There's a good place to start.

  5. I know how you feel and it ain't easy?? is it??

    Well tell you what.. its all easy.

    First of all the best time to sleep if you want to have 9 hours and wake up at 6:30 is at 9:00-9:30.

    Now the trick is

    Before u sleep watch a movie while your in bed .Slowly close your eyes but concentrate on the movie with your ears.Then what happens is when your nerves start to relx and your calm youll start to hear the echo of the sound of the movie automaticaly youll be sleeping like a baby. =) TRUST me it works

    if you sont have a tv in your room read a long and boring book..YEs it has to be boring...and what happens when things get boring you fall ASLEEP lol! :)

    Try this for a couple of days  and soon youll surely be back in the routine :)

    GoOd LuCk :)

  6. okay this is what you should do.

    go to sleep around 9:00 starting tonight and also the first  day, so you will get used to sleeping that early.

    it may seem hard at first since you've been sleeping late everyday, but your body will adjust to the change.

    them start increasing to 9:30 or 10 and it will be easier to sleep.

    you'll feel great in the morning and have more energy because of the sleep=)

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