
Back to school drama.. Help?

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My friend (Honestly it's not me) has some drama going on.. She asked me for help and I told her all i could maybe I could get some other people's opinions.. The story is: she was dating this boy who is obviously trying to be a player but can't really pull it off.. Anyways, they dated for about a month until one day they were at her house and he asked her if she wanted to have s*x, and of course she said no (I don't have s***s as friends) but he kept trying to convince her to do it.. She immediately broke up with him and sent him home.. The day they were back at school something happened and when she got home she called and said she needed my help.. On that day he kept texting her that he was going to follow her home and make her pay for breaking up with her.. She told the school resource officer and he brought her home in a cop car.. When she got home nobody was there and the officer told her parents what she told him.. She went back to school the next day, got beat up by her ex's friends and was sent home early because she could not walk... School ended a few days later and she finally was a little bit relieved.. Now he is calling her up late at night saying: You are still going to pay, you will get beat up again and again.. She doesn't want to be the girl followed by police all the time and she is worried about being picked on.. I need to know what to tell her.. Please help..




  1. get a restraining order 4 her

  2. she should get a restraining order on him.

    and her ex should get help.

  3. Say that you are going to get him in juvi!

  4. call the real police, they could put him in juvi for threatning her.

  5. Tell her the next time he calls, discreetly hit the record button.  I would tell her to tell her parents to file a harrassment lawsuit and maybe file a civil lawsuit against the parents.  This is also criminal (assault) and juveniles can go to jail for this.  I would also tell her to buy a can of pepper spray (I believe they sell little ones for keychains) but don't let the little punk know about it.  If he attacks her, I wouldn't feel bad for spraying his ***.  

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