
Back to school help..idk what to do?

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so heres the deal.

im going back to school in 4 days and im honestly not looking forward to it what so ever..

idk its just that my mom has like next to no money to get me any new school clothes like all the other kids parents can do and i was hoping that this year it might be different but i guess thats not the case.

it just sucks cause all last year i was so miserable because i wore a jacket over all my clothes everyday and people use to question it.

and then one day i wore this shirt that i bought and everyone was like omg u look great and it just boosted my confidence up a billion.

and i loved that feeling.

it just sucks cause i have to wear all my old clothes that do absolutly nothing for me and make me feel depresed and ugly.


what can i do?





  1. i would go to the thrift store it you can but if not try to make your style different and try not to let it bother you  

  2. hun even though society may be about fashion, school is about learning and ur education, ur clothes dont make who you are, you do.  Just because you dont have all the latest fashion doesnt make you any lower then anyone else we are aLL EQUAL AND it shouldnt matter what we wear, i mean ofcourse at my school we wear uniforms but just because your not rich doesnt mean your self esteam shouldnt be, keep ur self esteem high and do your best, a confident you will make you a sucess

  3. How about looks through your closet and find all of the tee shirts you can. Then wear them every day of the week.

    Or go to the Salvation Army and look through there. They have cheap clothes and I'm sure you'll find something.

    If you are of age then maybe you can make some cash by working on weekends.

    Make sure that your mom/dad are not spending unecssary money.

    But all in all, FOCUS ON YOUR EDUCATION because, unless you want this life in the future, you need to plan on a good college and a good job so your children and their children can live peacfully/

    When your feeling blue, just don't worry about the clothes. It's not the clothes that make up a person. It's the person wearing the clothes and the personality.

  4. well i don't really think you should buy anymore clothes unless it's necessary. i just bought three shirts today cuz all of my clothes are getting to small. just tell your mom that your clothes are too small and you need new ones. yea i'm also going back to skool next week.

  5. Maybe try to mix things up with your old clothes. Wear different conbos and stuff.

    I understand about the money situation, so I would maybe go to a cheap jewlery store, like icing or claries, and just buy cool funky jewlery to wear with your old clothes. If its bold it will have people noticing that instead of your old clothes.

    Also maybe buy some cheap belts to pair up with stuff too. && one more thing, play around with your hair style, change it up. Be yourself. =)

    I hope I helped!

    Good luck at school!


  6. go to a good thrift store. like i go to one that has hollister and abercrombie and aero for sooo cheap and they only sell good clothes that you cant tell have ever been worn. but if abercrombe and stuff like that ist your style look around i can guereentee you'll find somthing you like. :)

  7. Maybe its just cuz im a dude,but i usually get a new pair of shoes fer school.

    (given that my old pair is usually beaten to h**l by the time summer comes around)

    Ive been in summer school from July 5th to August 12th.School is gonna be fun.Ive been like depressed this summer cuz i was used to seeing everyone everyday and i cant wait to see everyone. I know this isnt the Life Story Question but imma be the man of meh lunch table.(cuz the 8th graders go to a bit sad about that too...never got ta say goodbye to Julia or Matt....But ill see them in 2 years!

    Be excited!You have freinds to talk to!I have 2 weeks before school starts.This year imma have a B in everything and not havta go to summer school again!

  8. don't let your clothes affect your life so much

    i don't necessarily know how you feel, but i know tips

    if you don't like your clothes, then you can accessorize them to make them your style

    if you don't like the design or anything.. find a way to customize them to your liking  

  9. Just stick with ur clothes design it a bit...U'll be fine.GL

  10. I am in that same boat! my parents just can't afford it but when they occasionally can i get big compliments! I've been been buying some clothes for myself with money i've earned. Try babysitting and doing yardwork for neighbors! Good Luck! also if you can sew, get a pattern and make some clothes that express you

  11. Just keeping telling yourself that you look good.  Stop wearing the jacket over your clothes and just keep telling yourself that you look good.  Who cares what everyone thinks.  Their opinions mean nothing.  It's what's inside that counts, not what's on the outside.

    If you keep thinking that you look awful and bad because you don't have new clothes then you're going to diminish whatever confidence you have in yourself.  New clothes aren't everything.  People only get school clothes because they're materialistic; they always have to have the new things.  Show people that you don't care what they think of your style and that you have confidence in your appearance.  

    Just remember to look at yourself and tell yourself that you look good.  Stop believing that you don't.  Change up the way you wear the clothes.  Don't wear a certain shirt and jeans together the same time every time you wear them.  Switch it up.  

    I haven't bought any new clothes for school this year and I don't care.  Clothes are clothes; styles don't matter to me.  

  12. Firstly, you should try saving money up and earning extra cash if you can, because this is something important to you, so that could help get some new clothes.

    Also, something that can help, is getting accessories. They are cheaper than getting a whole new outfit, but they can make it look a lot different and really nice.

    Things like headbands, belts, a scarf, and jewelry could help. Stuff like that.

    And try looking for cheaper stores, or get hand-me-downs if you know someone older who has nice clothes that they grew out of. I know hand-me-downs may sound like a bad thing to some people, but I think it's a great way to get new clothes that are nice without spending 5 billion dollars on one pair of pants, lol :]

    Good luck, and have a great year!!!

    :] <33

  13. come up with a new outfit by waering your old clothes by layring to make it look new or give most of your old clothes to a cossmingmnet shop for money thats what i would do


  14. go to a secondhanded store.

    they usually have some pretty awesome just have to look for it.

    I wouldnt worry about it too much though.

    Im a college student.

    and mostly i wear pajamas.


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