
Back to school... more like college for an old head..?

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well since we are entering that time of year for kids.. i can't help but feel a little lost.. I went to college for 1 1/2 years right after high school and haven't been back since.. I've been working a 9-5 pushing paper for the last year.. I'm not content with my job anymore, I want to go back to school but then comes the issue.. with all the options these days.. online schooling .vs. community college.. no direction for a major, no career path in mind.. and with this 9-5.. its a good steady income but it will require night classes.. (anyone ever taken night classes? how did that go..?) and I could go back to bar tending but that's late nights and no set schedule.. it all feels extremely overwhelming to think about.. i feel like a need a guidance counselor..

..any ideas or suggestions from people or for sites I'd be able to explore to get some ideas..? I don't doubt that there are people out there in the same situation..




  1. When I first went back to college I was working a 7-5 job, and it had been 25 years since I graduated HS. I usually took 2 evening classes per semester. I find that evening classes are mostly adults who also hold down full-time employment. And, the professors know this and many are not as demanding. Also, with the exception of math classes, they usually cut the evening classes short, they too want to get home for the day.

    If you haven't settled on a major, just go for General Studies and fill your core class requirements (math, english, sciences, art, etc.). Then once you decide your major, you can change it and fill out the rest of your classes with those required for your major.

    I also would advise you to talk to the counselor, they will put your fears at ease. Really, you can do this, you have a whole lot more energy at twenty something than I do at forty something.

    There is nothing worse than going to work everyday and just putting in time to get the job done, and get the paycheck at the end of the week. I did that for over 20 years. If I had to do it again, I would find what my passions are, and work towards fulfilling them.

    Good Luck!

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