
Backordered Wii Fit Bundle at Gamestop?

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Yesterday I ordered a Wii Fit Bundle from

I just cheked the status of my order, and everything is back ordered.

Does this mean my order won't be shipped on September 5th?

I don't know anything about pre ordering stuff on Gamestop so I'm a little confused.




  1. I bought mine using the same Bundle from GameStop.  It actually shipped earlier than predicted when I placed my order.

    So the date is just an estimate, it could hit it, or could miss it.

  2. Back-ordered and pre-ordered are not the same thing.  Wii Fit has already been released, so you can't pre-order it anymore.  Right now, it's back-ordered... meaning it's been released, but the store does not have any left in stock to fill the remaining orders for it.  If it's back-ordered, it cannot be shipped to you until the store receives more of them, so no, unless they receive a shipment between now and the 5th, they can't ship it to you on the 5th.

  3. Backordered just mean that the item isn't in stock.  It will ship as soon as there are more in supply, and it's going to be a first come first serve basis.  So if you were 10th in line, and only 9 Wii bundle got it, you won't get it until another shipment arrives.

    There's a chance that it will ship on the 5th if GS gets a shipment of Wii Fit from Nintendo.

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